I wonder how rightys get on with the clutch ?
Do they adapt ?
Do they switch it over to the right hand side ?
Does he bring his time machine with him.
Got a good price fae Wull on a blue scorpa but they've nae 250's
I knew most wouldn't get that, I threw it in waiting on someone questioning it
help me out here, and don't say Ossa or I'll eat yer doags...
His trials story is the greatest never told but don't go on his land whatever you do
If you google him and trials, you'll not get what you expect
Very shortly I will be in the market for a new bike, vowed after the last new one I'd never buy another new one, but....well...anyway. The market seems huge now but what ?
Deffo 2t and deffo carb'd, so that rules out a few, about to sell my factory Gas Gas, which is ace to ride just as the company are getting back on their feet, sadly I've always liked the blue of the Shercos, had a new 2012 white frame model, TRS are getting good revues, but yella ffs, who's idea was that ? There are a million scorpas up here but they are orange, and I ain't an arab, dtid. Never fancied the betas due to the left kicker but folk say they are really good to ride...
I guess the first reply will say, get a shot of them and see how they feel, truth be told, I doubt I'd like a bike better than how the Gasser rides, and there ain't no TRS up here....
As above you sound like you know your stuff so all I can offer is a simple question...You're getting a spark but have you tried a new plug ?
We're straying off topic but, I'm sorry you're wrong, there is only one type of mot for bikes, I know I'm being a bit anal here but tis a fact.
There is no such thing as a night time mot, nor is there such a thing as a day time mot. There is such a thing as an mot, HTH.
Really ? I helped set up one at the weekend, no pre entry required, guess what ? 70 of an entry.
Unfortunately it seems some clubs are still living in the pre 67s requiring pre entries, shame.
I've always felt it was a circus, particularly the indoor stuff but a circus none the less as it has no bearing on what the normal punter can achieve. At least in WSB or Moto GP the normal punter can ride the very same circuit as the top guys or even the IOM TT, but WTC.....impressive but a circus none the less.
They look like they should be stored in the local skip, mine are in the kitchen next to the heater.
Every 100 hours must be about 30+ trials at least.
Agreed, I doubt I'll get any better than I am now and I'm rubbish now
btw Duncan told me there is a mod for the diaphragm clutch that makes it much lighter.
I absolutely disagree with newbies jumping in to trials rather than practise, possibly I'm in a minority of 1 but I believe a newbie will learn much more just practising the basics etc than diving in and getting stuck in sections all day long.
Wowsers that's some story that. Sure a guy local to me had issues with his 15 sherco but never paid much attention tbh.
Considering the beta 4t. I had a scorpa 163 a few years back, brilliant bike, should never have sold it but couldn't ride a trial for toffee on it, most would say I still can't no matter what I'm on to be honest.
Considering buying a 4t, more just for the hell of it rather than actually to do trials on but was wondering other than heavier weight what else do I need to know about riding them ???
Off topic but whatever happened to the two day trial there ?
Jeezo East Lothian stretches a fair bit further West than I thought.
MC is usually related to outlaw motorcycle clubs, MCC tends to be law abiding, yes it's a long story and probably over the top of most of the folk on here.
Any idea where in East Lothian it will be held ?