Thanks for your help guys
I popped up to the offroad bike show at Malvern yesterday and bearing your advice in mind I searched out the Amal carb man, he told me that there is a specific main jet for trials bike applications that doesn,t have the small cross drilling.
This jet is slightly richer and gives a smoother throttle response, more suitable for trials. He also said that the cam in my bike was particularly sporty and that an even tickover, like a road bike would be practically impossible to get, especially with the open sports exhaust.
I pulled the carb as soon as I got home and changed the jet, and also the rubber seal between the carb and the adapter between the head and the carb. I also had a look at the gasket between the head and the adapter, which looked a bit ropey, so i made a new one and changed that as well.
The carb man also said I should ride the bike and see what its like. At 6 foot 5 not an easy feat
I reset the needle to middle groove and the air screw to two turns out. It ticked over a little better but still a bit lumpy.
On riding it up my drive I found that the bike gave plenty of power and went through the gears easily so I may have found a cure / maybe!
Alan, the ignition I am using is the new SPL system I bought at the Stafford show in October, it is trials cub specific and the rotor is replaced by the new system and the coil also replaced, doing away completely with the points, but totally reversable if needed. Getting a great spark and easy starting now the carb is adjusted.
My next job is to change the gearshift splined shaft. The gear lever is double ended, I suppose to help with trials riding, but the spline is damaged and the lever has been bodged on with a screw. It doesn,t look too difficult and can be done with the engine in the frame.
Again, many thanks for your help.....