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Posts posted by newrider
  1. ok thank you for your help nigel i will defo be contacting berko there ground looks really good but think i defo need to get the basics down before i go there as i said before looking out for a bike at the mo then gonna get my balance and figure of 8s and stuff sorted on tarmac then will try a few practices before entering a trial. Hope to see you at a trial in the not too distant future thanks again for your advice.

  2. How far is Denham from you?

    Is the place you know at denham part of HUX cos i contacted them looking for somewhere to ride and they told me there is nowhere they know of and to try outside the m25 confused me at the time as i know they have practice ground in denham.

    cheers for any info you have.

  3. thanks guys i did contact hux but they said they didnt know of anywhere in my area will get in touch with berkhampstead as soon as i have a bike and i am competant enough for a trial as i have very little experience at the mo

    thanks again for the info though

  4. hi guys im just gettin into trials not yet bought the bike but should have got one in the next couple of weeks ...... anyway my dilema is now finding somewhere to ride well learn to ride in the area i have contacted local council, the police, even the acu to see if they could point me in the right direction but all have come to nothing i do have a small piece of land (lock up garage area) behond my house which will do when i 1st get the bike but has anyone got any ideas where else i can get info from or even better know anywhere in the area that i could go. I have found one place near leatherhead but looking for somewhere a bit closer im literally 5 mins from heathrow airport

    cheers in advance adam

  5. hi thought i had alredy posted this topic but cant seem to find it so here goes again.

    I have said my situation previous but have been speaking to a friend over the last few days and just wondered what you guys thought .....

    I have very little experience of riding a geared bike basically a complete beginner however i have a keen love of trials so the time has come on my life for me to learn finally my question is as a 26yr old with little experience of bikes would i be better learning to ride a geared bike such as a general field bike or could i learn on a trials bike and just practice and learn until im competant for a club trial could do with some help with this please as not sure wether i could do this or wether my mate who doesnt really like trials is just trying to get me more into just thrashing round a field which i have no interest in doing

    thanks in advance and sorry to be a pain with all my questions just dont really have much access to info as just starting out.

  6. thanks again for the advice im still on the look out for a cheap bike any ideas where to look for them as i only know of ebay and pistonheads wanna get a cheap one to begin with so i can see if i like it or not if it turns out i do i will upgrade once i am better at riding

  7. thanks for the advice everyone i live in feltham middlesex, (forgot to mention that before) anyone know anything about a bike called rtx t212 i personally have never heard of it but as i said tight budget at the mo wanting something to start off on and will save for a better bike thanks again for the advice so far

  8. hi everyone i am looking into taking up the sport a complete beginner my uncle briefly taught me how to ride when i was around 11 and now 15 years later i have decided i definatley want to learn properly. I need any advice u may have for me regarding learning to ride, where to ride, what bike to get (although i do have a limited budget to begin with) and also any other advice i havnt thought of.

    As i said i am complete beginner with no motorbike experience at all but a keen love for trials bikes. Always been into it just never got round to learning for myself been on a few trials with my uncle as observer and been to a couple of world championships with him too.

    Thank you in advance for any advice

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