Hi Everyone
I recently bought a Montesa 349, with the idea of doing some twinshock trials with some of my mates. When I bought it, it came in a box - apparently with all the parts except the front mudguard - what they didn't say was how much was missing! However, I have managed to rebuild it and she's looking really good now, but I there are a couple of parts I'm struggling to find.
Firstly, the airbox. It did come with one, but having got her almost built up, I think it must be for an earlier model as when it's fitted, there is no way I can get the front cover off through the frame. From the photos, can anyone tell me if this is actually the right airbox??
Secondly, the kickstart. Again, it did come with one, but all the splines inside are worn away and it's useless.
As I'm wanting to ride the bike, I'm trying not to spend a fortune finding replacement parts, or make it so pristine that I daren't ride it for fear of scratching it.
So if anyone knows where I could find these 2 parts at a reasonable price.... (I have contacted InMotion, who were very helpful, but they don't have any airboxes, and the Mrs won't let me spend