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Everything posted by jasper999
  1. Thank you for your help lads I will keep you posted to how i get on
  2. Hi all I have just bought a 414 vf and I'm planning on restoring it as it's in a very sorry state. I've stripped it all down, and plan to restore it back to original as much as is possible, by restoring the parts I have rather than buying aftermarket stuff. I believe it's a 79/80 (Frame and Engine no's 66M02532) and would appreciate anyone's knowledge or info you are willing to share with me regarding these bikes. My main concern at the moment is the colour of the frame. It currently looks orange, but on closer inspection and a light rub down on the frame, it could originally have been red?? I've done a search on the internet, and don't seem able to find a difinitive answer - some are red, some orange. I really want to do it properly, and would hate to get it all done - only for someone to say "the frame should have been....." So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  3. I have a 98 mont and have owned it for years, I have never had any problems with the bike. All I would say which is the same as any bike is regular oil change and put a clean air filter in everytime you go out
  4. Good idea there mate I,m just waiting for my forks to come back then i can finish it off and ride it
  5. Thank you for that woody you have saved me a lot of head scratching Now i can carry on with putting it all together
  6. What years are your 349's?? Or is there no difference? Thanks
  7. Thanks for your help When I bought the bike, there were 2 barrels and 2 heads - one with a decompressor, and one without. From what I can understand, the later ones didn't run the decompressor, but I've opted to use it - don't know if I've done right by doing this, but I'm sure I'll find out!! At the back of the frame, below the airbox, there are 2 brackets which must fasten to something - and I'm presuming these must be for the correct airbox, as they don't match up to the airbox I have. I know this is an '83 and have also found out that the owner manual that came with it is for an earlier model (went through it to find out what was missing on the bike, bought the bits then found out I didn't need them - bloody typical!) When you say you're not convinced it's not all one bike, what else do you think is incorrect on it? Just so I can change it now, rather than finding out any further on down the line. Thanks again
  8. As she is now: So any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  9. jasper999

    Montesa 349

    Hi Everyone I recently bought a Montesa 349, with the idea of doing some twinshock trials with some of my mates. When I bought it, it came in a box - apparently with all the parts except the front mudguard - what they didn't say was how much was missing! However, I have managed to rebuild it and she's looking really good now, but I there are a couple of parts I'm struggling to find. Firstly, the airbox. It did come with one, but having got her almost built up, I think it must be for an earlier model as when it's fitted, there is no way I can get the front cover off through the frame. From the photos, can anyone tell me if this is actually the right airbox?? Secondly, the kickstart. Again, it did come with one, but all the splines inside are worn away and it's useless. As I'm wanting to ride the bike, I'm trying not to spend a fortune finding replacement parts, or make it so pristine that I daren't ride it for fear of scratching it. So if anyone knows where I could find these 2 parts at a reasonable price.... (I have contacted InMotion, who were very helpful, but they don't have any airboxes, and the Mrs won't let me spend
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