Well its 10 months 18 novice / beginner trials, maybe it is too long but it doesn't get away for the fact that there appears to be a bearing missing
Well another little nail in the lid of Montesa's quality coffin.
As todays trial was cancelled I though I'd spend the day in the garage going over the bike doing a bit of lubrication. OK I've had the bike nearly a year and maybe should have done this long before now but I stripped the rear suspension "dog bone" link down.
Now is this a money saving effort or just plain old poor quality but I pull out the long collar on the swinging arm link to find half clean (as it should be) and half tarnished ???.
Oh close examination I find that the bearing (non bearing) on the left side has NO needle rollers in it at all !!!
Surely this cant be right, the solid link bar has bearings both sides !
Is this more shoddy Montesa workmanship ?
Oh and of course no warranty,
I've used this on my last two changes, seems to work ok and cheap enough to change quite often !
Because the seal is split that's what caused the bearing to go !!
Well now into the third week and the steering head dust covers / seals are still on back order!!! that's three weeks with the bike in bits in the garage and its not a year old yet !
Honda this is just not good enough
So everyone raves about the quality of the 4rt and probably rightly so however !
I have a 2014 model from new, have to say I love the bike, would love it even more if it were not for the niggels.
when I first got the bike home I tried to remove the seat/mud guard to find the right side rear screw had been cross threaded into the hanger. After six months and many calls I eventually received a new screw and hanger and even though the bikes don't have warranty it was FOC.
Two weeks ago I noticed the steering becoming a bit notchy. stripped down the head to find the top bearing knackered and this was no doubt down to the bearing seal not being fitted correctly (from new) and being split due to being tightened whilst not seated. I rang the dealer and didn't really expect it for free but was promised new seals would be with me last Thursday !!!!
You guessed it still haven't got them.
Oh and the side stand design is awful.
This is not a gripe about the bike its fine, its just maybe let down by the people who build them (or at leased mine) and the dealers which are all to few !!!
Yep changed the oil and filter three times and it starts like a gud en again now just need to get shut of the side stand and Dunlop tyres now ha ha
Thanks Johnny,
Yes oil now out and it was my intention to flush through three times getting engine up to temp and replace oil and filter each time,
Yes I have a spark but the bike didn't go that deep as to get to the tank, However will drain to make sure.
Thanks for the info
So will I get away with flushing the engine out or is a full strip down recommended ?
Oh dear, just checked, oil white, sugar butties
Not sure if it took in water or not, The bike ran for a good 2hr after in incident albeit with a few coughs which I assumed was damp being taken in due to the wet air filter,
No not checked the oil yet
Yes new plug tried
OK so last weekend just after the first section I drowned the bike (2014 4rt), up to my waist in water which is over the air box, Dried it out and after a few kicks it started again and I finished the trial albeit with a few pops and bangs and difficult restarts. So get it home and this week I have stripped down cleaned and thoroughly dried air filter, air box, all the wiring and wiring connectors etc etc.
Plus wet so assume its getting fuel and a spark at the plug but it just wont run, not even a flicker ???
Anyone any ideas ?
Well last week I replaced my gear oil with this, seems like a similar consistency to the original oil so we'll see how its how, Appears to be ok round the garden ! If it works out it's a reasonable cost effective alternative
What about this ? :-
Seems to tick all the boxes !
Looking for some new riding gear after my Clice trousers seem to becoming unstitched and generally starting to look scruffy after two years.
Was looking at Raw trousers and jacket as they seem a reasonable price but what are the like ?
Anyone any experience with them ??
Hmmm sounds like 4 stroke may be in the too hard to do list, Not that good a rider and only fancied 4 stroke on the basis that it would be easier to maintain and I love the sound they make, slow and plodding, a bit like me !.
However with Sherco being my nearest dealer and a good one at that I feel a 2014 290 st may well be the way forward !.
Thanks for all the advice, cheers
I am assuming then that riding a 4t is a personal thing, a bit like marmite, you either love them or hate them.
I am also assuming that the Sherco 4t, because of the lack of interest wont be as well developed as say the Montesa and that if I really wanted to try a 4t then the Cota may be the way to go ?
Oh that sounds expensive !!!!
Have Sherco stopped making 4 stroke trials ?
Looking at fitting a new base cylinder gasket to my 2010 290. Has anyone any experience of doing this ? Can it be done without taking the head off or disturbing the coolant ?
I have the same problem with my 2010 290, I can take the plates out, clean them up change the oil and it works perfectly, leave it overnight and the clutch is suck until the engine gets warm or I bonce the bike back and forth in gear to free it off. Take the plates out put them back and its fine again even when cold ??
Thanks for your reply, unfortunately Ticket-master aren't selling tickets now !
Thinking of getting some tickets for Sheffield on 7th January, yes I know its late but tickets are still available. I've never been before so don't know were the best seats that are still available are ! is there anywhere I should avoid ?