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  1. Need a Set of Michelins for the weekend, where are doing the best deals for new stock, not x-lite
  2. That's just what I was looking for jrsunt, Order placed should arrive before the weekend Sorted, Thanks to all who pitched in..
  3. Your right, they won't fit, it was just what I found when on the sandifords site. Thanks
  4. Thanks for chiping in guys where would I get either the standard or the repsol hangers ?, Looked on the sandifords web site and saw steel hangers for a 315 for about £18 a side but the 4rt hangers were showing at about £63 + a side That can't be right
  5. Some help required on the topic of replacement hangers for my 06 4rt the originals are many times bent and reshaped, blob welded and releveled, Opinions vary and have changed over the last five years or So reading through the related posts on here, Titanium now questionable due to reported frame damage, billet alli good or or bad ?! steel/ original hangers ?. Any Input on replacing these well worn hangers would be most appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Thanks Grib, Thats an option i may well go back to but I'm looking for a shorter lever maybe more modern if anyone knows what might fit ?. I have heard it mentioned that certain beta levers and kick starts might fit. can anyone confirm or dismiss this ?. H..
  7. Well It's been over a year now since I shelved this project, never thought it would be on the back burner for this long but with a new garage and more time on my hands it's made it back onto the front line. After pulling it back out and a quick inventory check I have a list of parts to order and some to source. I have the original gear lever but it has no spring at the tip, I'm not going with the all original theme so what are the alternatives to this ? any pointers / pics would be appreciated Same for kick start it's gone all sloppy with age - what are the alternatives ?. finally gearing, It's been suggested 11-39 should suffice, views and experience welcome. There's prob more I should have asked but it will come back eventually. H..
  8. Sorry Glen forgot about you,, pic No3 shows it quite clearly i think 270mm from the inside of the wheel spindle hole is what your after I think ? H..
  9. Little more done today - engine, exhaust and shocks bolted in, had to replace the green wire from the ign when fitting the new coil as all the insulation had wasted away, strange as all the other wires were perfect, put a bit of a stutter in my day but here's how it looks tonight Family permitting I should get a bit more done tomorrow. H..
  10. Seems like this years flying past and the 240s still not finished so here's an update, Frame with all mods done,powder coated and perfect Engine fully rebuilt and painted, lightweight tank from our friend in the south along with an oko carb and some other shinny bits Front pipe has been cut n cleaned and fully repainted and a wes back box sourced for the moment, Source coil replaced along with main coil from Bill. went with some trickshocks to finishnshould get some time to put it all together this week fingers crossed. Couple of pics H..
  11. Russell If you just want the frame painted or powder coated it would be much more cost effective to have it done locally, having spoken with Chris in the last few days he is swamped with work at the minute and is unlikely to take in your frame just for painting at this time. check out some of the more local powder coatig firms to you and save on time and postage. Or contact Chris through his site by e-mail or Tel. H..
  12. Well the engine finaly went into the shop a few weeks later than anticipated but at least the project is on the move, the engine has been stripped down and everything is as expected except the barrel which has a deep gouge running the the length of it, clearly ignored by a previous owner just a new ring fitted and left, but a new piston has been sourced and is due to be sent down to langcourt with the barrel for repair and revival. I've had to sacrifice my Nikon gear to Finance this project but a decision had to be made as to whether to just make it work and fix bits as they pack up or break or do the job properly and make myself a keeper so decision made. After a couple of lengthy conversations with Chris I have decided to send the frame down to classic-trial to have the steering head angle changed, the foot peg mod done, 300 seat mod, chain tensioner mod, the cracks on the gussets welded and the whole package powder coated, the exhaust is also due to head down the road to be opened up cleaned out and repainted. an alloy bash plate is on order as is an oko carb and 300 seat has been sourced, I'll be ordering a new coil from Steve Goode this week and a rewind or exchange of the source coil looks a logical move, any info on who and where on this would be appreciated. No decisions been made on the shocks or the back box but I'm open to any experience based suggestions as the research continues. I read somewhere in a previous thread about a front brake mod to improve on the standard 240 but the details are elusive any pointers on this would be gratefully received Lee. Any other pointers or suggestions are always welcome as this is my first fanny H..
  13. Lee, Depends on your definition of reasonable I paid about
  14. Thanks for the Input Lee It's much appreciated, you must have read my mind as my next question was on a more detailed description on how to alter and attatch some modern pegs So thanks for ticking that box, I had picked these up last month at a classic bike thingy in lanark with that purpose in mind and had been reserching the how to I did consider sending the frame off to classictrial but as usual budget dictates in these matters, I have a guy I use about 12 miles up the road he's top notch so i dont imagine with your photos and instructions it should take too long I'll have him weld up the cracks while It's in, If thats all they require ?, should they be braced in some way ?, Shock wise, I was considering a pair of rock shocks there's allways a guy up at the Scottish pre 65 selling them but I dont know of anyone who has them on for review purposes, So anyone who has any experience with them Please chip in Ohlins, if money was not a factor absolutely but not this project, I thought about them last year for my CZ but couldent justify the
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