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Yes thank God for the SSDT next week But the problem is the same. Is it really No Stop
Yes this is the ACU at its very best
The Closing date for entrys for this weekend is Sunday so if you are intending to ride please get your entry forms in, there are still a few places left for a fantastic weekends sport,
No , Riders, Observers and a few spectators
Results from Poll at Scarborough BTC 84 Paper Returned Q1 Do you think the ACU British Championship rules should be the same as FIM ( what ever there are ) YES 68 Maybe 8 No 8 Q2 Were the Sections to hard ( sdmc ) Yes 12 Maybe 20 No 52 Q3 Were the Sections to Easy Yes 1 Maybe 12 No 64 Q4 Were the Sections suitable for a no stop trial Yes 41 Maybe 29 No 14 Q5 were the sections a good balance of easy and hard Yes 63 Maybe 13 No 8 Thankyou to all who filled in a form, this is for the benifit of SDMC only
4-5th Aug is the date for the popular youth 2day All classes A,B,C,D Youth novice & purple/E class for beginers and electric. Sat night BBQ followed by Live music in the marquee. after the trial sun is the presentation with every rider recieving an award. Camping on Site. regs from scarboroughdmc.co.uk
dont think there are more riders, i am just looking at the entry list for next weekends trial, 60 riders this includes 7 youths, under the last format we had 55 riders plus over 20 on a waiting list ? less income for the organizers so not good
its not just stop or no stop, its the other conditions as well eg no big steps in sections, champ/class sections eased to expert A type sections, no minders, the acu admitted at the btc meeting the top riders were getting a poor deal (why has that to be the case ) every rider should have somthing to enjoy in the trial.
Well said Ben, i did go to the trial on sunday, and the word was the importers had alterd the sections, the organisors were not happy, and i dont blame them, there was no riders meeting after practice, as the importers said they had spoke to the riders already, so organisors not happy/ Sponser not happy/ riders not happy/ observers not happy/ paying spectators not happy/ so what is the point, PS The importers will NOT be altering any sections at Scarborough, That i promise
just saying how it could look to an outsider ? Dont forget that this trial is in the memory of Chris Carter, and that is why most of the riders were there, i did have the plesure of knowing Chris along with his family, and nothing in my mind should spoil this Day
Looks like one rule for y&g riders and 1 rule for others i have not heard of this rule before, maybe one for the acu steward to answer
ok good points, so get yourself to the meeting and put them forword ?
Hey up andy Put us down for 4
Due to Weater conditions the C Collingson Trial at Low North Park, has been Cancelled All moneys etc will be returned,
Hi just a Quick Question, Have the sections in the Youth BTC been timed this year, A,B,C,D ?