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Posts posted by ysb
  1. Hi i agree with Tricky

    in 2002 i bought a 112 Vito great van ,no problems and still going strong at 130000 mles

    in Dec 2006 i collected my new all singing, danceing T5 130 bhp trendline super van

    Dec 2007 after 13000 miles we are on the 3rd clutch, new handbrake asembley , new rear door,

    due to handbrake failing, so not very happy,

    All vans do have problems, but the main problem with VW is trying to get them to sort them out

    VW Customer care , Ha Ha good joke

    Although you do get help after your solicitors letters have gone in

    Get A Vito

  2. Hi Bumpy

    i was not suggesting that youth riders could not learn anything from other riders as we all know they can,

    but having 5 or so youth riders in the BC riding the expert course, is not the be all and end all, these riders

    as we know all set of 1st in the trial so are often section scrubbers for the rest, so i think if they want the experiance of riding these events then good let them ride, But the whole youth callender should not revolve

    round this which is what seems to be happening,

    i do also know that sorting dates must be a mare for the ACU, maybe by adopting the system of not having youth and adult nats on the same day has gone one step to far and made thier problems to great

  3. Nice Reply John

    1st we feel we have interests in both Riders and our Club ( Trials as a whole )

    i also understand that the Top youth rider want to ride alongside the adults in the adult B C

    But the whole youth calender should not be run by 5 or so riders who may or may not ride these trials,

    plus they can only ride the expert course so how much can they learn from that,

    Big events as you call them and rightly so, The Scarboro 2 day Youth Trial is a Big event in the youth calender , AND as the T&E Committee are so in touch with the youth scene surley they all know when this is

    so why a C&D Champ on this date ?

  4. As been involved with Trials from every angle, Rider, minder, parent, organizer. coc, sponser, plus anything else the sport needs. I sit here reading the list of national date provided by the ACU to our club Scarborough and District Motor Club, we at sdmc have been about for a long time, 104 years same as the acu.

    We at SDMC have run youth nat trials from the start of the youth movment approx 20 years or so? running A & B and C&D Championship events, often alternat years but sometimes c&d on the sat and a&b on the sun this we have done to help out our trusted ACU, But not anymore our annual date of April is no more , we were offerd a feb date which we did take only to be told we could not run then either, we have beed offerd a date in sept which we can not do, so no youth Nat at Scarborough Thanks ACU Sorry you Youth Riders.

    To Add insult to ingury, The Scarborough Youth 2 Day Trial, this is the only Youth only 2 day trial in the country and has been run for over 20 years on the 1st weekend in Aug, past riders include all the Lampkins, Hemmingways, Mark Colmer, David Cobos, infact any rider who rode as a youth would have proberly rode this event, still now after 25 years we still regulary get 100 youth riders, over the last few years we have been without the top 5 or so A class riders who have opted to ride in the Adult B,C in the support class, this we can handle infact sometimes it made a better trial for the nmot so good rides.

    But for 2008 our Trusty ACU are having a Youth C&D Round on the 1st sat in Aug at Kent so without these riders we feel its not worth running

    The Point i am making is Are the T&E Committe so far out of touch with the youth scene that they could kill it off all together or should us youth supporting clubs throw the towell in and maybe go YMSA.

    Well thats my moan over i am well p***ed of with the Acu what are your Thoughts

    PS Sorry about the spelling

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