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Everything posted by bestrcpilot
  1. There are 23 balls for the top and 23 balls for the bottom, for a total of 46 balls. I found the the balls bearing and be found at a petal bike shop. They are use in some front wheels.
  2. The exhaust is a WES From Sammy Miller. As people are asking about the YZ case on the TY here are the Mods that need to be made to the YZ125 case to make it work on a TY This Picture shows the Hole that needs to be moved. The Gasket is from a YZ125 layed over a Stock TY Case I find that it is easier to grind away the front side of the hole first. Then build back up with the JB weld and then to re drill the hole in the right place This Picture shows the three places that needs to be filled in the YZ case to fit And here is the spot to be filled at the top of the case And here are the two places that need to be filled on the Bottom and back edge I use JB weld to fill in the spots that need it and the Hole that gets moved. I use clear tape to the edge of the case to build a Dam so the JB weld flows and stays where it is needed. Be sure to roughen up the case first in order to get a good bond .I use a small grinding wheel in my drill. JB weld take about 24 hour to really set-up hard so take your time. After the JB weld is hard use a file to flatten out and you may need to add more JB weld in order to get things nice and flat JB weld is a epoxy that when hard can be drilled or machined, So any epoxy that can be drilled and machined and will hold to metal should work. Lay a TY175 gasket over the YZ125 case in order to see if the fitment is good. If your TY175 has the foot peg mounts under the engine then you need to grind away the bump on the bottom edge of the YZ case that you filled in, you do not need to grind away all of the metal from the bump just enough to clear the foot peg mount. The Rod for the kick starter return spring needs to be shorten by 0.400 inches in order for the YZ case to fit sorry no pictures of this. I use a cut off wheel in a small hand grinder to do this, just cover the clutch and kick start gears first so no grinding dust gets where it should not. All mentions of top, bottom, front or back are for when the case is mounted to the engine and not for the orientation in the Pictures The YZ 125 clutch cover from a 1974 is the same as the TY175, Both have a oil pump. The 1975 YZ 125 clutch cover bolts right on with only the mod to the kick start return spring rod. The 1976 to 1979 YZ 125 clutch cover will work with the above mods. Now this is info for the US models but as all TY 175 engines are the same it should work on all the other as well
  3. No Sorry it's not a Yamaha fork brace. It's a home made one. Just trying to take some of the flex out of the stock forks, Still looking for a good set of TY250 forks for it. Hard to find a good set on this side of the pond.
  4. The Clutch Cover is a Yamaha part. It came off a 1975 YZ125 Bolts right on with the only change being the rod for the Kick starter spring needs to be shorten by 0.400 inches. It is also 2 1/2 pounds lighter then the stock set-up with the oil pump. The newer air-cooled (76 to 79 I think) YZ cases will fit with a little more work there are a couple of spots on the case that need to be filled in order to work. If anyone want's or need pic for this mod let me know. I have done a couple already for friends
  5. Here are the before and after pictures of my TY175 It is now a TY200 Before And the after It's took almost year and lots of new and rebuilt parts. But I'm glad I did, it's a great bike to ride.
  6. Are you going to the little Scott at the end of Sept?
  7. There was not that many at the NY Natl. It only seem like people that came with the riders and maybe about 30-50 spectators. I think the heat had a lot to do with it, and no Big city's close by. For those that did come a great time was had. And for those that did not come you missed a great trial. I love watching the "west coast " guys and girls come and ride in the mud and hills and woods. And did I say MUD. with not a huge bolder in sight. So not a lot of stoping and hopping going on. Hard to stop and hop in Axel deep mud.
  8. As a Lefty I have no trouble with the throttle on the right. I just learn it that way. I did try a thumb Throttle once on a dirt bike I found it was to fast for good control. It seemed to be all or no throttle.
  9. The gearshift is on the Left. One of the strange thing about this bike is after stripping the fame I found a #2 stamped on the top of the backbone you could not see it with the paint on it and a #2 on the bottom of the triple clamp. And the seat as always been Red not black. I don't know if any of these changes mean anything or not. I'm going to go with the swing-arm that has no kickstand as it is lighter. Was it common back in the day to remove the lighting coil from under the flywheel. There is none on the bike and it looks like there never was one. I will ring up SW Montesa in the morning about the spokes. The bike did ran until the tear down. After 30+ years it was time for a bit of clean-up. I rode it in NY twinshock trials until I got Ty175 last year. I had to get the Ty as that is what I rode when Dad rode the 348 You know a grey hair reliving the fun times. And here is the Ty almost done.
  10. Thanks for the reply. But I do know that both swing-arms off a 348. The one without a kickstand mount is from the bike from England and the one with a kickstand is from a bike from the states. The Family story is that the bike is a old "works" bike. So I'm trying to find out if Montesa did make two swing-arms, or if the one without a kickstand could be a "one off" here are some more Pic. One nice thing about living alone is you can rebuild a bike in the house. The braces for the headstock Dad had to weld on after the bike almost broke in half back in the day. When the bike came across the pond there was no braces Does anyone know where to get new spokes for both wheels. When I was trying to clean up the wheels, I broke some. So I think it's time to re spoke the wheels Scott
  11. Did Montesa have difference swing-arm on the 348? I'm rebuilding my Dad's old 348 and I have two swing-arms one is 14 inches from the shock mount to the pivot point and has the kickstand mount is on the left side, the other is 16 inches from the shock mount to the pivot point and never had a kickstand or mount. I seem to remember that when Dad got the bike in England and bought the the bike into the States there was no lickstand on the bike. But after 30+ years I'm not sure. Here are some pics. Scott
  12. Thanks for the link But I think it's to far to drive. I live in West Virginia-WV But Wyoming-WY is a great state Scott
  13. Thanks Alan_NC that what I needed to know. It look like it will give me more room to raise the engine and pipe. Now where did I put the welder? Scott
  14. Alan please do check on this. I would like to know myself if it's going to happen. Anyone from AHRMA know? I know it's my own backyard so to say but If it's happening I would love to ride it. Here is the link to the MountainFest http://www.wvmountainfest.com/p_schedule.php It did have the trial on the schedule about 5 weeks ago but is no longer listed. But still list the Extreme Trials Showcase featuring Tommi Ahvala Seem strange that the trial showcase is listed but not the trial. The AHRMA web site still lists it. So I'm up in the air about the whole thing. Scott
  15. I forgot that these post go world wide. So will a USA model ty80 tank fit on a USA model ty175? It looks to be the right length but is narrower any one tried it? I hate to buy one from feabay and not have it fit without to much work with the welder. Scott
  16. I did see that AHRMA "had or has " a trial set for July 23th. But the people at the Mountain Fest web site seem to have pulled it. So I am not sure if it's going to happen ? It is hard to tell with AHRMA this year Scott
  17. Anyone know if a ty80 gas tank will fit on a ty175?
  18. I would like to find other people in WV that like ride trials and maybe put on a trial or two. With all the great land to ride on here in WV they has to be someone else. Thank Scott
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