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  1. I just pick up an E3 to give it a shot. Do you know what gap you are running?
  2. For true "bling" you need this version...... It is a little more expensive though (3X).
  3. Spring side goes into the leg.
  4. OR, you could just very carefully fill it up with a scale down in the tube to measure the level. Stop when you hit desired level.
  5. I use one of these. It is from motion pro. You can rig something up with a tube and a turkey baster if you need too. The slide is adjusted to the fork oil height (distance from the top of the fork tube) you need. Fill the fluid up to a level above what you need, suck out what you don't. This is done with the fork full compressed and spring removed if there is one.
  6. You are going to level, not quantity. Right leg gets 38mm (approx 405 CC) Left leg gets 87mm (approx 410 CC) Left leg is measured without spring. Pump leg 8-10 times then measure. All levels measured with leg compressed. Shout if you need anything else.
  7. The best thing to do is match the viscosity, not the weight. The "weight" can vary drastically with manufactures. Find your oil on this chart, then find something close you can get. http://www.peterverdonedesigns.com/lowspeed.htm Showa SS-5 is 15.68 cSt @ 40C find something on the chart you can get that is close.
  8. Yup, oil height. After the valving is covered with sufficient amount of oil, the important part is how much air you have above the oil, not how much oil. Volume is just to give you an idea....
  9. This one is not going to help my bank account.....
  10. mud400

    static sag

    He sure does..... It really is a good article Jon.
  11. mud400

    static sag

    Here is a great article. http://www.gasgas.com/Pages/Technical/trials-suspension-tips.html
  12. mud400

    static sag

    Was it this one? http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/32873-suspension-set-up-jxt270/page__p__249919__hl__%2Bstatic+%2Bsag__fromsearch__1#entry249919 Unloaded is the bike on a stand, no load on suspension. Loaded is you and gear.
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