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Everything posted by jimbo349
  1. Depends what you need, normal service parts are readily available from inmotion or millers to name a couple, but more than that it's ebay or similar for second hand stuff. I too have a cota 200 project which I have found all the unavailable parts for, I think I need on eBay, just got to find the time to finish it now. Good luck James
  2. My MH has only 2 rimlocks on the rear and never ripped a valve out yet I use tubless X11's on the bike too and they have always worked ok. The bike in the pics looks good how did you paint the tank as mine is all faded and the plastic is scrached. I also like the detail on the barrel fins nice touch. Its nice to see the MH getting good comments Ive had mine from new way back in march 1986 one of the last dug up from europe by sandifords and sold off cheep over here. I look forward to the next 25 years with the old girl.
  3. jimbo349

    1980 248

    I think they where a 349 with 100cc missing so they would be similar to the 349 of that time without the 349 grunt so about the same as any other spanish 250 of that era some love them some hate them.
  4. The manual only specifies the min piston clearance so only helpfull when reboring the cylinder. The 349 motor can be a rattly old thing at the best of times mainly due to piston slap but the rings being dykes type still seal and they still run reasonably well. I have just completely rebuilt my bike less the big end and its sweet now, well crisp and has lost the death rattle it once had. I have a theory the airbox is not that good at stopping grit into the motor with the short life of the airbox carb rubber not helping premature piston wear. Good luck with the rebuild and please ask if your stuck with anything or where to get parts from. James
  5. Dabbers is a very good club but the entries are way over subscribed and if you dont entery on the day the entry opens you wont get in. Norwich Vikings is another good club although catering for modern stuff it also runs t/s class and easy route to suit all classes of rider.
  6. 349's changed over the years the MH349 and Mk4 does not have removable frame braces from the swing arm pivot to the cylinder head. also the MH and Mk4 have a different swing arm with a crank on the end also the fork bottoms are different being longer. Your bike has a larger front brake than earlier bikes. As for pegs havent got a clue.....sorry
  7. MH349 foot peg brackets are different to the ones on the cota. Your bike looks great, strip the lights off it and ride it like is meant to be, as long as your not stupid with it no harm will come to it. Lots of knowlege here on the bike so dont be afraid to ask.
  8. I drain my bikes anyway the mh has a poliprop tank and the 200 ally but the fuel keeps better in a 10 litre gerry can IMO.
  9. Fair enough!! Chainsaw forum.......Im missing out....
  10. An Idea Hows about doing the checks as described above and if ethanol is present do it again on a large scale and draw off the neat petrol off the top of the water/ethanol mix in the bottom of the container. Makes the fuel expensive but its better than a trashed tank/engine. just a idea so please dont shoot me down!!!!!!
  11. Just shorten it to the right length and let the little lad go play!
  12. jimbo349

    Montesa 349

    Hi The dedent spring and plunger are located behind a chrome nut on the back of the engine near the rear mounting have a look at that as if the spring is broken the bike will drop into gear. As for a piston I had a K Breedon one recently its not the exact piston for a 349 and needs a lot of work to fit! try Immotion trials for a genuine piston they have stock at times dependant in required size.
  13. A MH engine will have a number starting with MH200 not 29M so the whole bike could be a cota or the MH has been fitted with a cota engine. The frame number should be on the headstock on the rhs at about 2oclock as you sit on the bike.Is the front brake hub black or silver and are the spokes the same length from side to side as the mh has a different front wheel to the cota, which is about the only difference mechanically.
  14. Luckily the short guard is what you need and yes chain tubes where fitted to this model.
  15. The picture is not the OP's bike but an example of kickstarter shape
  16. inmotion in the uk will be able to supply what you need, good luck with the bike. James
  17. Check the timing as the key can shear on the crank throwing the timing way out. The engine is quite basic so sparkes and fuel is all it needs, crank seals can need replacing which is a cheep job. Pistons are available but very expensive. Good luck with the bike.
  18. 300ml in each Clutch either ATF or monograde SAE10 or 20 oil Gearbox 90 weight gear oil
  19. Buy with your head then go Jap Buy with your heart go Spanish
  20. Yep on line and a conformation letter arrives a week later.
  21. I get reminders each year its the same document as a tax reminder.
  22. Early 349's are not concidered as good as the last 348's but the last 349-350's are the best of the bunch with longer forks better frame and bigger front brake.
  23. I recently fitted a new replacement clutch in my MH349 and after 2 trials its so bad the engine could not be started the clutch slipped in in 2nd gear upward. I have refitted the origional and the bike will now start and the clutch just slipps when the bike is gunned in 5th and 6th. I have Emailed the supplier and are waiting for a response but for
  24. Agreen but before you get drastic pulling things apart have you changed the oil in the clutch as it is sensative to the type of oil used in the clutch.
  25. The op was talking front sprockets not rear
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