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Everything posted by nomates
  1. I find a "G" clamp works well, with the threaded force screw against the tyre (as close to the rim as possible) & the other end on a piece of wood against the rim, do this through the spokes. And it's easily portable
  2. Why does a Left handed person have difficulty with the usual way a bike is setup? A Right handed person doesn't have difficulties with the usual left hand side clutch control? The clutch requires a sensitivity normally reserved for the lead hand (especially trials) but all Right handers seem to manage it all right. As a Right handed person, if the only motorcycles I had ever ridden had the controls the other way round I'd most likely ride exactly the same as I do now (badly!). One could argue which needs the most control, throttle or clutch? Who actually has the advantage? Maybe it's the clutch that benefits from ones "lead" hand? Or have I got it all wrong?
  3. For cleaning, place chain in an old 5 litre container of some sort like an oil container, put a bit of solvent of choice in (I use diesel, I'm cheap) & shake the bejesus out of it. If it was really dirty empty the filthy solvent/diesel/petrol/whatever out (save it & let the crap settle out) & put some fresh in & repeat.
  4. Cam anyone comment on whether rules & regulations have, or are going to have any bearing on this, it seems in virtually every other instance of two strokes usage they are being phased out by EU emission regulations & other stuff (I'm no expert!). Road bikes, Moto GP, outboard motors.....
  5. Funnily enough, that's what I ride! An 1150GSA, I think I'm probably better at keeping my feet up on that than the trials bike!
  6. If you ride a road bike as well as a trials bike, do you try & keep your feet up? I try to, at junctions, traffic lights etc, usually end up putting a foot down though if it's a long wait
  7. Yeah, compared to the Bultaco or Fantic the 315 is like a bicycle! A trials bike can be dated by the size of its seat!! From full seats to gradually nothing!
  8. Hi All, As the title says, I've just bought a 315r & this seems like a good place for info & advice, I haven't even ridden it properly yet as it's stood a while & I want to change the fluids & check it over first, also I must contact the guy I bought it off as he's forgotten to give me the seat I had a ancient Bultaco 250 Sherpa T 20 odd years ago followed by a Fantic 303, but haven't thrown a leg over a trials bike for about 12 years, I only ever used them for fun & am totally useless, but that'll all change, the 315r being a more modern mount will have me riding like a pro.........or maybe not. noMates. (Montesa, geddit!)
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