Yup - you may laugh but without that seat i could not have got round the Scott - i dont think you need it for one-day trials but for events such as the ssdt (lots of roadwork) and the scott - lets you sit down as often as you can and most importantly lets you sit and paddle through sections when you are so knackered that your legs dont work.
And you dont notice it when you are riding the bike - even big steps.
its a cut down version of the montesa seat sold by scottishtrial - the original is just too big for riding sections.
on Sun 7th there is a Seaton & delaval trial called the Little Bear Trial - this historically used to be a time and observation trial - does anyone know if it still is?
if so i fancy a run down
(Scott fever still in the blood)
I used to have a triumph twin that needed two hands to work the clutch - think yourself lucky!
Eric is the master - he has the ability to be in the right place at the right time - although as you are hanging on at the end of a section and opening the throttle to try to make the ends cards, inevitably Eric is lying in front of you, camera in hand.
He also shows that you dont need spectacular sections to get a good photo - look at this one and think of scotland top photo
Because of the feeling you get riding through the gate and seeing the finish at the top of the hill - it
speak to Graham Torrance at ImageScotland - they produce high quality embroidery and also do screenprints - the setup charge is from about
Question for Perce
Looking for the Richmond website found richmondmotorclub.co.uk and richmondmotorclub.com - two different sites - only the .co.uk comes up in my searches which is the out of date one.
anyway - when are we going to be given the riding numbers? - not that i'm keen, just mildly interested
I'm ashamed to say I used to have one - 3 speed gearbox D14/3 was 175cc - BSAs answer to the japanese was to add another gear in about 1970 - D14/4 - and we wonder why the british bike industry went bust!
I used to be able to rewire a bantam in the dark, usually raining, at the side of the road - the electrics were (i was going to say 'shocking' but that was the point - there wasnt even a spark!).
Good luck
seriously -what about a camelbak - have considered it but not tried one out yet.
Put your drink in the petrol tin and your petrol in the drinks bottle - that will get them either way!
Now that the entries are posted, how about a few tips to give us the slightest chance of even getting round the course.
what to wear?
what to carry?
if i get a punctuire where is the nearest pub?
how does the petrol work?
do you still tape bananas to your petrol can?
Anybody got any results for the first day of the Scarborough youth 2 day - my nephews are riding it and I
I was told by 'one who knows' not to use parafin to wash bike bits (especially bearings) as it is hydroscopic (it attracts water)
now you know
Gary Mac would have won and I would have been last - the rest of you somewhere in between!
I had 23 5s Gary Mac probably lost 5 all day
time to ride the B route
ps Scottie - saw you riding that big jump in the river - awesome -
If you do it Kinell i will - they can have cumulative bets on how far we both get
and I think that you will probably change your mind about which is the toughest trail in October
unless of course you get inside info on which "flags" to follow from Perce
You are right - And there are SSSI areas around Kinlochleven. (and all of Ben Nevis)
We spend a lot of time working with Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and get written authority for all SSSI sites the scottish goes near. Thats why you see all of the taped areas on the Ben on Saturday - but you still get the tyre marks through the tape across the 'sensitive' area and out the other side - do they realise that they might loose us the Ben for ever? (and if they get caught they will never ride another ssdt?)
thanks for the moan
'Bultaco' makes a good point here.
The SSDT has also been approached through the landowners agents with advice that rare birds are nesting at a certain location on Annat hill. We know where they are and will route the SSDT well away from them, but please do not go racing about the hillside without permission. The Police are aware (it was the police who advised the landowner) and they are concerned with the situation.
Remember not only might you loose the SSDT the land but you could end up in jail!
The bird is listed on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, which affords special protection at all times. It is an offence to intentionally or wrecklessly disturb the birds at or close to their nest during the breeding season. Violation of the law can attract fines up to
trialero - you will enjoy the new sections at Annat - good Montesa sections - BIG steps - good hill (mountain) to go over - good views if not snowing!
see you soon
Mark - if Kinnel catches you he deserves a special award
Has it taken you 22 years to discover the flag in the middle of bog routine?
- a little tip Kinnell - we flag the route in a straight line A-B, if there's a bog in the way then so be it - dont follow like sheep but ride the moors like a low flying haggis- just touching down on the solid bits and missing the luminous green bits! - you will soon learn.
above all enjoy it
ps dont worry about Trotters burn - If you get through the sections at Annat you will skip up Trotters:(
There will only be a few Scorpa tiddler 4 strokes this year (as last), Montesa, Sherco, and Scorpa 250 have all been either pulled out or not entered.
On the subject of running 4T on 2T-mix, my lawnmower had run for 10 years perfectly well on 2T mix - i know a lawnmower is hardly comparable to a finely tuned trials bike, but 60:1 mix will at worst make a 4T run a tiny bit hotter as it reduces the fuel in each induction by 1.6% ! - i dont think the rider or the engine will notice the difference.
The ssdt is however looking at ways of providing straight fuel, and we appreciate that it will become an issue over tha next few years, but as you can understand we must be sure that there is no way that it is put into a 2T by mistake.
sorry techno but the organising club canot give you permission to use private land- firstly you will not be covered by our insurance, secondly we only get permission from landowners to use the agreed routes and dont want other bikes running about the land with no control - i'm sure you understand and that you would be sensible but i'm afraid that its a policy that we stick to regardless of who's land it is - I assume you mean the sections at the top of the glen after craig lundi - they are a fair walk in but you can make it - it will do you good! - the largest group - Meall Damh are not that far up the glen but you will have to cross the river!
take my word for it - the Ben may be a bit different this year.
Get it wrong on Creag Lundie and this is what happens,
this is Walter Traber who came all the way from Switzerland to throw his Yamaha down a waterfall!
Sequence courtesy of Eric Kitchen
Looking forward to seeing you again if Fort William
Not long now
here's a reminder from Eric Kitchen