Sounds like you need more moors - ones that you dont know the lines through.
- we're off to look for some new ones - big soft deep ones
the Boss
Yup - heavy duty tie cables - i'd never ride the scottish without them now.
I once punctured running along the deerfence going towards Clunes - tyre came off the rim (michelin) and all i had was a front tube and a crappy pump - Grant Adamson came along and threw me a few tiecables so with the front tube in it and tiecables holding it on managed home - and even got up Witches burn on the way.
ran Dunlops ever since at the scottish and they have never come off.
No worries Bikespace (i'm sure you dont ever want to ride the Scottish anyway )
i may not be able to work a keyboard but i can rebuild one of these!
my outlook express crashed last week and i ended up having to reinstall the whole XP operating system to fix it.
now everyhing is working ok but the keys on my keyboard are all muddled up
for example the @ key comes out as " and the pound sign has disappeared completly
the main letters are ok but most of the character thingys arent
is there anything i can do other than by an apple?
It might sound a lot but it aint enough
if it wasnt for the generosity of our sponsors we would loose money at that.
I had an R reg (i think) 348 and it snapped in half just at the top of a step, they snapped at the back of the steering head and the effect was that only the clutch and throttle cable were left holding the front of the bike to the back - as a result the throttle cable stretched putting the bike onto full throttle while the sump crashed into the ground and you were flung over the bars which were by this time on the ground and into the front wheel. - looking back it must have been quite funny but it wasnt at the time.
once you had managed to pull the plug cap off, and had several thousend volts dashing up your arm, the next problem was how to get two halves of a bike home.
I remember it happened on saturday afternoon and i had to take the two halves to my mates house - we chucked it on the ground and electric welded it back together to ride the trial the next day.
traded it in for a new RTL Suzuki shortly after that - those frames never broke !
the other thing 348s did was jump out of first gear without warning - usually half way up a step. - now you see why i dont hold them in very high regard
I need help - i am repainting the tank on a pink RTL honda ( no ordinary Honda - it was Willie Dallings who had it from new and loved it) - It needs some 'RTL250S' stickers - been trying to work out what font is nearest but no luck yet - the stickers were originally white and blue but would change to just white on a wider blue stripe
can anyone help me with font or tell me where i could get stickers made up?
that was then - dont even think about it now - you will only waste your cash:D
better putting your
I'd use oxy-acetylene, right down the middle (i used to have one so I know)
I notice that Bigjohn has been quiet in this department (getting lost)- come-on Bigjohn - spill the beans.
Yes - i think 1982 was the highest scoring year ever - remember this was when the world championship riders competed - imagine Raga Cabestany Bou Fujinami and Lampkin all loosing over 100 marks ! - to be honest it was no fun as a clubman throwing your twinshock at some of the sections
if you lost less than 90 a day you used to get a first class award (thats a three in every section)
in those days it was a battle of survival - trying to get home with your bike in one piece.
nowdays we try to have a mixture of sections - something for everyone - in those days every section was like Lagnaha!
still good fun - and a fantastic sense of achievement
ontop of this was the chance of riding round with the world best riders - there was no riding round with your mates then, which meant that you made friends quickly with the riders around you whether they were Bernie Schrieber or joe clubman - a lot of friends were made - I personally feel that it was a step too far letting friends ride around together, however it does make it a lot easier for groups to organise transport etc and it seems to be what the riders want.
K - you obviously dont know what 'cold' means in Scotland
what do you mean? - we do arrange that weather - do you think that you come up here for a holiday? to ponse about in the sun and top up your tan? - no; we book the week of totally unpredictable weather to add to the challenge.
back to your first post:
1983 my first ssdt year as well - 156 fantic (as well) with baconslicer number plates - dropped 566 marks - before you say anything the winner (Tony Gorgot) was the only one under 100 marks - you think its hard now??
will i tell them what you dropped Gizza5?
basically we were riding the same sections you do now but with twinshock bikes and pre-sticky tyres.
Its good to see someone as committed and genuinley in love with the sport win - well done Nicky. He will always have his critics - its not popular to dethrone a king - however the Doctor did show he is human - Rossi never got it together - if you didnt know him better you would say nerves got to him. however before Nicky had finished his cool-down lap Rossi was the first to draw alongside and shake the new champs hand.
What i dont understand is why do people keep watching F1 processions when moto GP is 100 times more exciting. - next year promises to be even better.
will this be the next thing ? - a totally quiet, pollution free trialsbike for the same price as a 4RT?
lets hope the powers-that-be dont see this
Hydrogen bike
quite right Andy - i was in no way knocking TC - in fact it must be one of the best motorcycling sites around (and IS the best trials site) -I was just making the point that there will always be a place for open debate and newspapers.
and thereby is the reason that on-line forums will never take over from live debate or edited papers.
well said HL
well lets get thing moving -
tell us your name, and then we can vote you onto the SACU trials committee - sorted.
Andy's survey, and a few recent posts from people who hide behind the anonymity of their signature, have made me think.
Would the forums not work better if our real names were displayed on the member
done the survey
made me feel old when it asked which trials school i'd attended
Martin Lampkins one wasnt on the list. - i suppose it was 25 years ago
the only things i remember from it were
Mart jumping on one of our bikes (Gordon Halley's 325 bulto I think) to show us how to lift the front end over some roots - he rode up to them hauled on the bars and they snapped clean off !!!
The amount of Ale that Mart drank on Saturday night
those were the days
perhaps you can tell me John -
why is trials different to other disciplines in having a levy and a cheaper licence? - surely it would be easier to have one licence system.
up here in 'gods country' the ScottishACU run a different system and we have to pay
it was an experience helping to organise a world round circus - cant believe it was 15 yrs ago - but, as Bigjohn says, one that I for one will not be repeating.
However we could dig out some of the sections on the Ben and let the lads try them on saturday afternoon 12th May 2007
I dont want to get into the politics of the various governing bodies in our sport, however it could be that the general apathy towards getting involved in the organisation of our sport is simply that the majority of riders are quite happy with our current system.
I must admit that i would prefer to get out and ride my bike rather than make my way to a stuffy conference room to offer my opinion on the sport.
online forums may have a place in informing those that make the decisions, however i do feel that we need to treat these forums (not just TC) with a bit of caution; I must agree with others in saying that there is a danger of a vocal minority not giving a full representation of views.
What we do need to do is take one step back - get our clubs sorted out - more and more i see trials with over 100 entries which have been organised by clubs which have many hundred members set out by two or three keen (mad?) workers. If we get our clubs working as clubs - every member taking responsibility in doing their bit (however small) to helping out, the rest should fall into place - the ACU/SACU system is build on club representation - with clubs not working as they should its no wonder that the systems failed.
Tell you what i'll do
I happen to have a spare yamaha tyre pressure gauge complete with original plastic wallet!
i will be willing to give it away - however there is a catch - and one Perce cant argue with
I will donate it to the Scott charity auction - we all know that Perce will have to buy it as Stu will be there waiting for his gauge back. - however this will not stop others bidding - end result - Scott charity benefits, Perce will be so pi**ed that he cant remember what he paid for it and Stu gets his gauge back.