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  1. thanks for the silver advice. does anyone have a good recommendation for the blue TL's from the US? i thought i'd do mine in that colour for a change.
  2. bunyan

    tl125 colour

    slowly completing my tl125 resto. bike is a 1976 silver/orange model,but i prefer the blu/silver of the earlier models. anyone have an idea of the closest blue colour to use? i'm using an audi silver unless you can suggest a more authentic one. thanks in advance.
  3. brilliant! many thanks.
  4. does anyone know where i can get my tl125 split head (1976 model) re-machined in the uk?
  5. bunyan

    TL125/150 swap

    i have an 1974 engine and i tried fitting a 125cc barrel to it and it didnt fit. the hole in the cases is smaller than the later engine. i now have 1976 cases.
  6. hi motomike. you sent me a pm but it seems to have disappeared! can you send it again please. regarding airbox rubber. ta.
  7. where did you get the carb rubber from? have you got an ebay address/item number? thanks.
  8. many tl125s have this item missing and is extremely rare. i've just come across this remanufactured item on ebay and wondering if anyone here has bought one. and are they any good. ebay item no. 170515921219. just go to ebay and type it in.
  9. thanks for the replies. the french BPS site is interesting so i will go ahead and chop them frame rails.
  10. i'm restoring my current tl for gentle trail use only, but i have another very battered one which will be a bit more for action. anyone cut away the lower frame rails and replaced it with an ali bash plate? it was quite a common mod years ago. what else can i chop off to save weight? (dont say get another bike. i like tl's!) i have a 150cc conversion in my shed as well. apparently, early ty forks are an improvement as well.
  11. bunyan

    1976 Tl125 Airbox

    unfortunately, mine is the 76 model which just goes from the carb to the airbox front face. its exactly the same as the old cb125s (sometimes called cb125j) so they do turn up at the breakers occasionally. incidentally, i buy quite a few spares from the states as the xchange rate is very good at the mo. i have currently on order the rear brake pedal assembly and a petrol tank cap. i also got new original tank mounting rubber for the tank rear, and a genuine mudflap for the front guard. cheap!
  12. ive used stove enamel in the past, mainly on vintage stuff, which gives it a nice original sheen. i also painted my old tl with stove enamel but it seemed to chip easier. go for powder coating if you anticipate scraping over a few rocks.
  13. bunyan

    1976 Tl125 Airbox

    thanks thats all i need to know. i'll still make the airbox side out of steel, but more of a trumpet shape graduating to a circular tube nearer the carb, then flexi pipe.
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