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Everything posted by nath15804
  1. Hi. just purchased a 2011 txt 280 but it has been upgraded with alot of parts, one of these are the formula break and clutch set up. At the moment im struggling to get use to the clutch as it seems to be very on off. By this i mean its hard to feather the clutch as it just seems to be at the very end of the stroke. Any ideas how i can adjust this ect.
  2. Hi, i have a 4rt and also want it insuring for in the garage ect, have you a contact number for them? thanks
  3. should be a decent trial, is the weather up there ok? no snowy ****$?
  4. Hi, just bought a 2010 4rt and really enjoying it after always riding 2 strokes. One thing though, im wanting the rear shock setting up prperly as at the minute theres two much sag, is it just a case of winding up the spring to add more preload or has the air valve on the bottom of the shock got something to do with it? not sure what the air valve is for? anyone help me? cheers
  5. Hi, thanks for the replys. well when i bought the sherco i put a slow action throttle on it as the quick was was a bit too feisty for me, so maybe the 4t is a better option with a better power delivery.
  6. Hi, im currently riding a 09 sherco 290 2 stroke, i cant really complain about the bike but have seen a 4 stroke beta, the problem is the beta is an 07, just wondering if anyone can help me. Im just wondering what people think of the beta and would it be a down step to sell the sherco and get the beta? cheers
  7. Hi guys, first of all id like to thank everyone for the excellent advice so far....and secondly, im not sure now if im excited or sh*tting my self. Are there 6 fuel stops? and how does it work, do we have to take our own cans ready mixed up and then they take them out to the course? cheers again, Nath
  8. Hi, This year i will be competing in my first scott, i went and watched last year and was suprises at just how tiring it looked and also how greatly it is supported up there. Iv write this topic to try and get some advice from previous scott riders on a few things. First of all, what would you recomend carrying with you on the bike, any bike mods or setup changes and also what clothing is reomended? Any help would be great. Cheers Virgin scott'er
  9. Hi guys, been riding a while now but always on a 2 stroke, iv now decided on getting a 4 stroke in the way of a 4rt 2006 model. Just wondering first of all what are the main differences in performance between the 06 and new models? Also is there anything i should keep an eye on any more than i would on my sherco for example. Cheers
  10. my confirmation came through today as i emailed him, cant wait!! better get training!!!!
  11. I hope to god i get a place in the scott, just to ride in such a great event would be class, just wondering if anyone has any advice of the essentials i should tAke with me for the ride?? Nath
  12. Hi, im wanting to know the same as i need to no, iv emailed them today.
  13. Hi, just wondering what MC means at the sides of peoples names on results sheets that trials clubs produce?
  14. Of what standard do you need to be at to ride in it? Same as someone else said, my aim is to just finnish! And also is it hard to enter? As in how would I go about it and how quick does it fill up?
  15. yes i was there as a spectator last year, looks tough!! the sections them selves dont look "un-rideable" but just so tough, would i be rite?
  16. ******* worst rider in denaby world cup!

  17. Hi, just wondering. im really fancying doing the scott trial this year, but can i still enter and how do i if i can? cheers
  18. cheers mate thanks, is there any adjustment in the rear shock, not had chance to have a good look around yet.
  19. Hi, been round trials a few years now, but just treated my self to a 09 290. Just wondering if there are any common problems with them, things to look out for ect. Also any tips for the bike, all the help and advice is much appreciated. cheers
  20. would it affect the water level? im going to give it a service tommorow and see whats what. cheers
  21. Hi, recently my sy has atarted smoking quite badly, oil amount has always been kept the same, iv changed the plug bt still doing it, what could it be? :madnoel:
  22. I always thought the whole point of 50 50 was to ride yellows and then ride the "easier" of the hard sections.....i noticed at least 3 or 4 sections were the hard sections were much easier than some of the others that we rode in the 50 50.For example section ten.....near enough impossible for the lads riding the hard route to clear, never mind 50 50 riders when Section 3 on the hard route looked know were near as difficult, so why ride the hard route on section ten???? . Just my opinion, a good day anyway.
  23. Hi all, Rode in the "novice and beginner" trial today at dovecliffe, i decided to ride the 50 50 route with it being a novice and beginner trial..... this proved to be the wrong decision. I was shocked to find the 50 50 route realllly challenging....too challenging for the 50 50 route in a "begginers trial" in my opinion, anyone agree or disagree? cheers
  24. Access is via Westwood Lane Storrs lane which runs between Pilley and Howbrook, will be signposted from Pilley Village. Post code S753DP
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