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Everything posted by nath15804
  1. He has said it is a tenth of a mill out by the way
  2. Cheers, what do ye mean by lapping it with the glass?
  3. Hi, i have recently been told ( by a mechanic) that my cylinder head on my gasgas jtr370 needs skimming but hes not sure whether you can do it on these models because of a groove or something, can anyone shed any light on this situation, i would be very greatful. nath
  4. Hi, have recently unscrewed the bolt at the bottom of my forks on my sy250. all of the oil came out as expected, but now it wont seem to screw bk in, any ideas??? also how many ml in the fork legs? cheers
  5. its with the mechanic now anyway, ill get back to the forum with the problem.
  6. iv not had it long and it has never been correct. maybe if i try with the air filter off to see if that is the problem. if it runs ok then it will probs be the filter aye.
  7. its a brand new cable, also i have cleaned the carb, this doesnt explain why it will not run or idle with no choke though.
  8. Hi, i have a gasgas jtr 370, its fitted with a dellorto carb. the bike starts fine, but is over reving with the choke OFF, i will run for a while with the choke on but will then start to over rev for no reason after maybe 20mins of riding. Its a really weird problem, iv checked most things, but could it be something to do with the jetting??
  9. Hi, iv got the exact same problem with a dellorto carb, its on my old jtr 370. have not got a cluw why it does it, i also had the same problem with an old scorpa easy (fitted with a dellorto) i just ended up changing the carb and it solved the problem.
  10. Hi im a big lad, around 18 stone, which fork oil weight should i use on a gagas contact 98, also how can i set the bike suspenion up for me? thanks
  11. No mate, as i said the slide is going back to the correct position.
  12. Hi, Recently bought a scorpa easy 250 rotax. The carb needed setting up the seller said as it wouldnt start. set the carb up so that it starts but as soon as you give it half throttle, the bike decides to rev quite high randomly until you hit the cut out switch, any ideas what could be the problem?? the carb is returning though, so its not that cheers nath
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