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Everything posted by hugh_b
  1. Hi chaps, collected a new 2011 evo 250 today, however i forgot to ask a few questions at the dealers: -How much pre-mix oil to 5 litres of fuel? -Is it best to use opti-max fuel? Thanks Hugh
  2. Thanks for the advice chaps. With regards to the make of bike. I have been looking at the beta just because i've read good things, and quite like the look of them. When i rode trials, it was on a new gasgas 125 which was a fantastic little bike. With regards to kit, the budget for that shouldn't be an issue. I've ridden alot of mx over the years too and the kit all seems quite cheap in comparison! I'm certainly open to other brands and would certainly consider both gasgas and beta. Like you say, i probably need to try both the get a feel for the newer bikes. I think i'll keep an eye on ebay, biketrader and the classifieds here to see what crops up! Thanks again Hugh
  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently looking around for a good 2nd hand trials bike. I rode trials for 3 years when i was 11 and i'm now 22! I've ridden bike-trials up until a couple of years back but fancy getting another motorbike for some fun and local trials! From what I've read a Beta rev 3 250 2008 would be a reasonably good bike for me. What should I look out for when viewing and how much should I expect to pay for a really clean example? Thanks Hugh
  4. Hi guy's, i rode trials for a few years when i was 12, i'm now 21! I've done quite well at biketrials but I'd really like to get back onto a bike with an engine, just for the enjoyment of it really. When i rode hebo was the kit i always used and it always held up well and was a nice fit. I noticed a few newer brands such as Jitsie which i quite like the look of, how does it compare and what brands tend to be the best now days? I was thinking of going for a ful jitsie kit and possibly helmet providing the fit is good along with a decent brand of boots. Any suggestions welcomed. Hugh
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