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Everything posted by tomtom385
  1. thats a bit strong mate, surely you have the right to cancel at any time, my insurers were more than happy, i even got a refund!!!!!!
  2. alternativley, if you just sign up for a year, but pay by installments, cancel as soon as the bike is registered, you can cancel your policy at any time. they may wack you with a 20 quid admin charge. i had to do very much the same to take a private plate off of a car that was SORN before i sold it cheers,
  3. deffo a market for them , well i reckon anyway. better than trying to look through that little window with my sausage fingers in the way. Wayne at billet parts would be able to knock one up.he got a few trick bits and upgrades for bultaco's
  4. very good mate, i think that you made yer point there. tom,
  5. i will give everything a go, could be right with the carb, it only gets started every now and then, could be a little gunged up.
  6. Cor mate you know yer stuff, Will check the points then, luckily i have a centre that i took off an old mag rotor, so setting and cleaning the points is a peace of p***. but to be realistic its only done about 4 hours running since i put a new set in. Regards, Tom,
  7. Mick, its a no go, little s*d wouldnt get out of pit, sides which, not good for his image if hair got a little ruffled. Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. pLease explain, they may sound a tad dumb, had points problems before but never manifested itself like this. kind regards, tom,
  9. cheers, i fancy that i will go for the carb first, as thats the easier of the 2, dont think its the filter, its only done 8 hours since i rebuilt it. i must admit it feels like the carb as sometimes it wants to go, i reckon it would go with a bump, any ideas on how to get a teenage alien out of its pit to push his old man up n down the street, ha ha
  10. Mick, you made some good points there, maybe wacking the casing in the oven may have helped the heat sink effect. will think twice about using the ally brazing rods anywhere like that, like i said, worked a treat on my tank. Regards, Tom,
  11. Was wondering if any of you chaps could help out, went to start my 199A, NO GO. used to start piece of P***, full choke a couple of boots and she would she would start. but now will only start with little choke and no throttle, chuggs along for 30 secs and then dies. also dies if you twist the throttle, i am guessing that it is the pilot jet. Any thoughts???????????? Regards, Tom,
  12. Hi Max, Thats the nuts mate, hope it was a typo, saying that you would flat it off with 100 grade wetndry, how did you find the laqcuar. its got to be the finest you can get. Try using a cutting compound first, a really fine one, it may negate the need to use wetndry. there are some really good compounds on the market, farcela is a good one, brown brothers should be able to help you out there. have you done any spraying before? looks very professional. the colour looks great and quite close to the original. NICE ONE!!!!!!!! regards, Tom,
  13. Max, How did you get on with the paint, i sprayed mine with halfords enamel paint and it came out really well. used their petrol resistant laquer as well. although that came out of the tin a tad dry. but i left it a couple of weeks to harden right off. then flattened it off with some 1800 wet and dry. bought back the shine with ultra fine cutting compound. take a look at me bike pics, you can see the shine in the paintwork on the tank. regards, Tom
  14. good ole silicon, what ever did we do before it came along?????????? i think that it has knocked gaffer tape off No 1 spot on the bodgers podium. ha ha.
  15. Ouch Mick, Thats a nasty bit of chain rash on the casings there. go easy on the Mag cover, looks a bit thin in places. i was lucky when i brazed my tank as it was all uniform. i dont know if there is any store in bunging it in the misses's oven on the hotest it will go, may help out when applying some serious heat. hope it goes well. Regards, tom,
  16. Woody, Thanks for that, my misses was watching over my shoulder. she cant get her head around it. but great clip. Tom,
  17. Good luck mate, if you can tack weld and solder, you got it made, its just like brazing only not so hot. Cheers, tom,
  18. Ross, Should be ok, warm it slowly and evenly, dont want to disort anything. like i say i used it on my tank no probs. all that said, HB Weld chemical metal is good as well, without "the heart in the mouth" taking a 1500 degree flame to your beloved mount feeling, i have seen sumps on diggers repaired with this gear. Caterpillar endorse the stuff, only prob is, it mixes up quite dark. Or use Sikaflex silicon, good gear, sticks like s***t to a blanket. i use it on the beta to seal the mag cover. Tom,
  19. If the threads are shot, i agree with chewy, helicoils the way to go,you can get helicoil kits on ebay for about a tenner or there abouts. cheers, tom,
  20. Hi ross, i repaired the tank of my bully, well the holes where you bolt the tank on to the bike, aint leaked since. you get four rods about 12" long and a stainless wire brush, not alot for 25 quid, but better than trying to weld ally. i used a welding torch athough i do admit i found it quite easy, but i have done a fair bit of welding in my past. regards, tom,
  21. Thumbs up to that john. i used gear oil and got into a right pickle, Dave at Bultaco straightened me out, told me to use auto trans fluid, but what he did say was, flush all of the old oil out of the plates by using neat petrol and ride it for 10 mins, drain it all out. you can get a bit more life out of the plates by using a centre punch to aid the friction, awful job, but worth the effort. regards, tom,
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