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Everything posted by graham5170
  1. keep checking Ebay i was looking foe one for a 2001 and i got a new one it just takes time
  2. Not too sure if i want to use a trailer because it will have to be storred somewhere when not in use the 4x4 way is what i was looking to do because if it works i will get rid of my car and use the 4x4 for me family and bikes amd my wife can keep her car when bikes are on the back of a 4x4 nervana/L200 type i would think that the tail gate will need to be down for the back end of the bikes to sit on, do the police have anything against this ? if anybody had some pictures of this setup it would be of great help to me Thanks all
  3. hi all problem i need transport for the bikes want to get more into trials and get going to events etc but also want to get my boys involved with there Gas Gas 50TXT and my monty my wife is not happy about getting a van and parking it on drive " what will the neighbours say!!!" i could park it down the road in the car park but how long till it gets broke in to ? i was thinking about a Nervana or L200 type , but can you get two bikes in it with the tail down?? it would work because i could get all the family in it and it could live on the drive. Any other ideas about gettin the family to trials events / dad, mum and 2 boys thanks guys
  4. Hi where can i get a new seat/rear gaurd for my 315 i bought it in May with a broke tail section ordered one from Stanfords but i am still waiting on it ( they said it is due in december ???) is this the usuall of montesa bits the other bits i ordered toke forever to arrive I need a 2001 ( orange ) can anyone give me some help i am desparate to get out and ride it
  5. Hi guys early xmas for my 5 year old i have just bought a wee gas gas 50 from <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> the little 2 speed auto one can anyone give some info in this bike for looking after it what is the pre mix ratio etc any info would be great i tried to do a search but the site is not letting me do one ????
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