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Posts posted by ukzjwri
  1. I presume this bike is not "new" but new to you, being an '07?

    A couple of things here, firstly, if they are overfilled a bit, they will expell exces oil out the vent untill it subsides. Secondly, if this continues, this could indeed be another case of excess gear case pressures developed by leaky crankshaft seals(alcohol induced fuels).

    A quick ck would be to dip the vent hose end into a cuppa water after the bike is warm and leaking. If it produces air bubbles, seals are leaking.

    Not to panic, maybe a good time to do a drain and change of the oil to insert the proper quantity as a start, 450 ml after a good drain by leaning the bike over to the left to get all the old out? :D

    Thanks - much appreciated. Not new, just new to me. I assume from the above that leaky seals is a known issue. Is it a big job if they are?

  2. I've just picked up a new 07 Sherco 2.0. Running it for the first time today it seemed to run well, but when I went to finish I noticed what I presume is gearbox oil coming out of the crankcase breather. Is this normal? Any ideas why this may be happening? I'm nervous about running it again in case I'm low on oil. Thanks.

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