if you are thinking about a new bike then you probably have an idea of what you want (ie the sherco 10/11 model) but don't limit yourself. see if you can pinch 10-15 mins on the sherco's yeah, but also try and have a go on the gasser, new scorpa and beta. even mont or ossa? (possibly pushing budget a bit far) only you can decide what is the best bike, as "best" is purely opinion.
as for the sherco not needing the carb cleaning every time you wash the bike..... ludacris! if you like that sinking feeling when you're just not at the top of a step then happily leave the carb on any bike after washing. if however you prefer not crashing back down in a heap then unless you are running a 4rt or ossa, cleaning carb and checking filter is a must no matter what you're on! (even if its just for peace of mind)
it all depends on how hard you ride, if you ride a tough section round and round without stopping then yes, trials is a very good cardio workout, i dont know if anybody saw the posts on last years scott trial showing that ben hemmingways heart beat reaching 180bpm or more, albeit this wasnt for a very long period of time. it still shows that in the correct conditions you can raise your heartbeat to a sufficient pace for a cardio workout. as far as weightloss goes it is exercise, all exercise burns calories, so as long as you perform enough exercise to bur more calories that you take on through the week then you are bound to lose wieght.
i mainly agree with that, after seeing fuji almost overdo the big skip jump in an almost "ahvala like" attempt, i would say that they most certainly dont lack the necessary power, they might not have quite as much as the two strokes but enough to complete all of the sections thrown their way. the big limiting factor appeared to me to be the weight issues, they just didnt seem to have the grace that the 2t riders seemed to have when hopping the bike around.
how come raga won?? when we left after what we thought was the last race bou had it in the bag, yea he lost his race to raga but should have still had about a 4 mark lead. can somebody shed some light on this??
well done all involved in this years boxing day trial held at the woodyard, reeth. great set up sending expert and green course up on fremington edge first to let the clubmen get away. at last somebody has discovered the secret to a successful trial at this venue. and the sections were right too!!
it does come with the sachs shock, cant say i can tell that it is any different from an old sachs one, but i always preferred the sachs anyway
gone back to sachs rear shocker, slightly modified bar clamps as seen on '06 raga, one piece exhaust (middle box and silencer all in one). power wise it is very much the same.
British champ - Colley
Experts - Thorpe
A - Wigg
B - Richardson
SSDT - Pasquet
Scott - Jarvis
Ladies - Cook
its a problem i know as i have had my fare share of knee problems (AND IM ONLY 16!) but basically if u want to sit down for a long period of time you can, thats fine, just be prepared for the searing pain when you stand up (or at least try to) at the end of your ordeal.
had em all since 2000-2005 except for beta, and found scorpa best grip (for clubman level, gasser for expert)
now that frexia is out of the frame, and fajardo has been snaped up for another 2 years by gas gas, which spanish rider will montesa sign,or will they be happy with laia sanz. if they are after another spanish rider (which i expect is the case), then the only real prospect is that of young Bou, and if he goes who do beta get or are they content with Kuroyama and Dabill. and so the circle continues.
one would assume any move from dougie would have been leaked by now if it was happening.
it is almost certain of a frexia move to scorpa, blasuziak is also joining him (apparantly).
so, that begs the question, who is montesas spanish rider for next year? the obvious choice would be raga or fajardo, but with both staying at GG doe it suggest that bou may be on the move, leaving Dabill and kuroyama to their own devices at Beta?
so many qeustions so few answers
sure they will be announcing very soo, but i just dont know if i can wait!.!.!
for absolute reliability and all prejudice's aside. pretty much any of them, all of the bikes within the past 5 eyars have had their own little problems but all can be sorted easily, gas gas had gearbox problems, shorco had mains etc.etc.
but if looking at a sherco be wary of mains.
some beta's have electrical faults.
the mont 315 and scorpa are pretty much bullet proof, but the mont will give you problems (when picking it up and dragging it out of sections)
but seriously, most of the bikes are sound, get him to have a ride on a few and he can buy the one he likes the most.
i agree with allowing bigger 4strokes ride with small 2 strokes, but i think that 250 to 125 is a bit extreem.
i definately think that they should let the 175 scorpa into the 125 class, its only sensible. anybody who can get more power out of a 175 4 stroke than there is in a 125 2stroke is going to win the trial anyway.
and in the world rounds they should limit the 2 strokes to 250 and let them have any size four stroke.
i just dont get why they put the same old lump of 5h!te where an engine should go. if they made the bike with a new engine than a new frame they would be onto a winner (provided they make a decent engine this time!!!)
there would definitely be interest, as long as it is a decent trial, similar to the scott, but not the the same (one scott a year i am sure is enough for everyone). the point i am getting at is that it shouldnt be 8 laps of a small course, big a decent sized lap, with plents of good hazards, but maybe make it half the length of the scott. and run it in the summer, as a bit of a warm up for the scott. i think that the scottish landscape would be ideal for a T&O trial, but it certainly would need a lot of good planning and organisation, so as to ensure the smooth running of the event. perhaps a good way to start it would be to allow only say, 70 riders in the first year, and then more the next, this allows those that are interested initially to get their ride without it seeming under subscribed, and then the riders who compete in the first year give it a good report trough word of mouth in time for the next year.
this is most probably due to sh@99ed steering headbearing.
just goes to show that you should always maintain your bikes, lucky the lad wasnt hurt.
if your son is 11 then he souldnt be riding a 200, in which case i would definitely opt for the 2006 125, i have ridden the 05 125 and it can pull me suprisingly well (and i am not a little guy) and i hear that the 2006 is even more powerfull.
youth A ends the year that you are 18 (ie. the year that you are 17 is the last year that you can ride it).
they may look really big but trust me they dont feel that big, they weigh a hell of a lot less than the mont (not hard i know).
they havent stuck on the graphics yet, but i am fairly sure (not positive) that the plastics will be blue to in keep with the rest of the range.
hi all,
just got back from the bike show at the NEC. and interestingly saw that birkett was there with the new 4 stroke. i had a quick stand on it and it does feel like a real trials bike, nice and slim, and most importantly, 4kg lighter than the mont 4rt
birks reckons that it is mainly light at the front, whic i can understand, it is damn light, but i lifted the back end up, and it feels like the gasser. unfortunately it was purely for display purposes and i couldnt just go and have a spin, but i certainly wouldnt pass up the opportunity to have a play on one in february when they are expected to come out.
also, the underseat twin pipe looks the business up close, and nigel assures me that there isnt a chance of you filling it with crap, but one thought that did spring to mind is how much will a new one cost?!? i am assuming that it will be like the shercos to repack, splitting it and re welding, NIGHTMARE!!
anyway, just a little bit to re-kindle any interest that has been lost since it was last mentioned in here.
no body can say for sure, except for the companies possibly involved, and doigie himself, but it is common knowledge that nozaki is not performing as a top rider in a team would be expected to perform, not to mention any names but a fairly reliable souce says that scorpa are desperate to sign a top lad, dougie is an obvious choice. but the name that was spread about was that of frexia. also, beta only have anotio bou at the moment, and dont get me wrong he is a great rider but maybe, and i havent heard anything about this, they are too looking for a better rider. again dougie is an obvious choice, and given that john lampkin imports them, and he has riden for them before, is could be quite feasable that dougie has had a bit of a test on either f these bikes.
however, scoop of the year i am not sure, i think that at the moment montesa are likely to offer the most money for dougie so it would be sensible for him to stay with them, and not tests for other manufacturers would be mentioned, but frexias move could prove more likely.
i am sure that many of you who could not attend the presentation for the scott trial will have heard that dougies one piece suit was sold in the auction, as it was a friend of ours who bought it and wee took it round to theirs the following day, i had time to inspect it, and i noticed that on the left leg there is burn marks, now any of us who have had a go on a scorpa knows that the first thing that you do on one of them is burn your left leg, and we also know that scorpa are desperate to sign a top rider, could it be dougie?
or... we all know that dougie has a history in riding the other bike that has a left hand side exhaust, the beta, and it would be easy to get a ride on one of those through john.
so, just a bit of food for thought, but i reckon that it is fairly safe to assume, given this evidence, that dougie has beet testing for another manufacturer, the question is, which one, and will it progress to a contract for next season?
not too sure on a track.
but that was some pretty fancy tricks there, i would like to see what you can do on a modern bike.