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Posts posted by martymc2010
  1. I have recently bought a 06 Rev 3, Im in the process of bleeding the rear break. Can any of you guys tell me if there is supposed to be a resivoir in under the rear mudguard, as mine just has the hose with a bolt in the end. Will this mattrer or would i be best with one on.



  2. Hi

    I need a little help with my clutch, when i pull the clutch in it still wants to go untill i give it a rev. i have been messing about with the adjustment, walking beside it with the clutch in and adjusting as i go but still connot get it to stop. Any ideas???



  3. Thanks, It worked!!! I kept cracking the lever whilst tapping everything untill the bubbles stopped and the fluid scoots out of the resivoir, still a little spongey and holding a little but going to take a run anyway. cheers

  4. Hi

    I have been trying with no sucess to bleed my front brake after taking it down to free up the pistons. I have tried it with syringe pushing the fluid from the nipple up to the resivoir, also left it all night with the lever pressed in to let gravity do its thing still nothing! Im letting it sit now with the bleed nipple removed,resivoir cover off, lever in and fingers crossed!



  5. Hi

    Just wondering have any of you guys had a go at re-packing your exhaust, mine makes quite a loud "PUTT PUTT". Would re-packing be any advantage or would it still sound the same once done.



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