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  1. Hi , I have a friend who has a YAM TY250 and the Shirty Mod bracket on the front disc brake has broken. Does anybody know where I can get another one please?
  2. Heath (R2W Trials) offered me a go on his after I expressed an interest in getting back into it. After an hour on it, I didn't want to give it back! The power delivery is so smooth, it grips like nothing I have ever ridden. And the light weight was very noticable. It has a clutch but I didn't ride with it, just rode on the throttle. It has 4 different maps which equate to roughly 80cc/125cc/250cc/300cc - You will be able to change these via an app in the future. The top one, with the lightness of the bike, is an animal. Way too powerful for what I ride. So I rode most of the stuff I do ( Yellow route) on the 125cc setting. Plenty of power even at that level. So i decided to buy one 😁 The one in the picture is a custom option, with lightweight parts and red anodised components. it also has the upgraded battery. It wasnt cheap to this spec, but I seriously love it. I rode with some mates for a day where I rode for about 4 hours. I had 62% left on the battery so that cost about 82p 🤑 Electric is definitely the best thing for trials - little noise - no stalling - easy to ride - multiple different power levels at a flick of a switch - lightweight and easy to maintain. What isnt there to love about them
  3. Hi all, Its been a while ( 16 years in fact)😲 Well I have started riding trials again as I've recently bought a Mecatecno Dragonfly (what a machine !), so I want to start riding trials again but I wondered what is the best way to find out what is on? Ive looked at the ACU.sport80 site and I have looked on here, but when I talk to some other trials people, they mention trials in clubs that I dont see posted on these sites. I live in the Telford area and looking for a 50 mile radius. Any tips where I can get info ( I'm currently a member of South Shropshire and Llangollen Trials clubs) Thanks in advance
  4. A mum is cleaning her 12yr old sons bedroom and finds a load of bondage gear and fetish magazines under his bed.. She asks her husband "What do I do? " He says, " I'm not sure but what ever you do, don't spank him!"
  5. A very sad day today After seven years of medical training and hard work, a very good friend of mine has been struck off after ONE minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can now no longer work in his profession ! What a waste of time, effort, training and money.! A genuinely nice guy and a brilliant mortician ..
  6. A very sad today After seven years of medical training and hard work, a very good friend of mine has been struck off after ONE minor indiscretion. He slept with one of his patients and can now longer work in his profession ! What a waste of time, effort, training and money.! A genuinely nice guy and a brilliant mortician ..
  7. If you get cold, stand in the corner for a bit as they are usually about 90 degrees Two guys stole a calendar .. they both got 6 months each.. This 80 year old guy was sitting by the kerbside and crying his eyes out when this young guy came up to him and said, " Why are you crying?" He said, " I married a young lady and in the morning when we wake up, we have sex.. at 11 am she wants it again, and at 2 pm. 5pm and just before we go to sleep at 10pm too.. " The young guy says, " Wow, that sounds amazing . so why are you crying? " The old guy says, " Because I've forgotten where I f*****g live "
  8. This old trials rider wanted a brand new pair of Trials boots, so when he was at the World rounds, he saw some for sale and bought them right there and then. When he got them home, he tried them on and walked into the kitchen and said to his wife, " Hey Maureen, Notice anything different about me? She said "Nope !" So he stormed off to the bedroom , got completely naked except for his new boots, then walked back into the kitchen and said " Maureen, notice anything different NOW? " She said, "Kevin, what's different? It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday and it'll be hanging down again tomorrow !" So Kevin yells at her.. " AND DO YOU KNOW WHY ITS HANGING DOWN?? IT'S LOOKING AT MY NEW FECKING BOOTS !" Maureen pauses for a moment and says, " Really ? .....Should have bought a new Helmet "
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