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  1. i got on my bike the other day only to find there was no clutch so there was feel to the lever but haveing not riden in in a while was unsure if it was normal so i tryed to bleed it then had nothing iv now bleed it sort of but removeing the circlip in the plunger it works but drags bad how do i bleed it proply i tryed rev bleding but nothing wound go into the res without the circlip removed i bleed it with the leaver removed also. hope someone can follow this and help?
  2. must just be a gasget to keep muck out i can see at the base of the head? im 99% sure the jets are clear iv dont them 3 times with carb cleaner and the air gun iv replace the intake manifold new plug new oil new air fillter still the same what about the reed block it has some gasgets on it from what i can see but unsure how i can test if thay are leeking. geting fed up now everyone says it wont be crank seals thay never go on the jtr engine? it did run a bit better last night when i had the fuel off as it was runing out it ran better and for 30 seconds when fuel back on but i tryed it again to see if it was too much fuel and nothing still the same would over fueling cause this? sorry for all the daft questions
  3. just a thought and may be wildlt wrong but could it be the head gasget? looks like its got some sealnt round it on the mag side of the bike not sure why
  4. cleaned the car 3 times 3rd time knoticed the seal of one of the brass jets (the long one) the o ring was damaged replaced this and still the same so given up and doing the folk seals as we speak
  5. im a biginer on bikes played with car and tractor engiece ect but not many bikes. iv been playing with my 1996 250 again today fitted new plug ect and intake manifold as old one cracked but still it lacks power and wount idol off choke fine on choke just soots the plug up after a while. questions i have are i removed the covers on the side of the engine as you sit on the bike the left side plastic cover and looked dry with no oil leeking inther (is this the mag side) and the other side (right side as you are sat on the bike) the clutch side and should this be full of oil? a gray oil at that? there is a seal on the caseing so looks like oil might be supost to be there but im just checking.
  6. still havent got the parts i need but been on the bike tonight and my be a daft queston but what way is choke on? with the lever down it runs while cold okish but when wormm isent as good but when you stop it you have to lift the choke up if i leave the choke up it idols and ride quite a bit better am i just useing the choke the wrong way round or is this a sign of whats wrong? thanks in advance
  7. nest question what size should the folk seals be on a 96 jtr to save me takeing them out to look before ordering some still not found many parts online supose ill have to go to the shop or ring up but as im on a budget i was jaut wanting to look things up
  8. its a 96 then alright now just to find parts
  9. hi thanks for the quick replys i had thought of crank seals. are thay a big job? h ave noticed the carb to engine rubber manifold is cracked it may be the leak any advice on where to look for these parts and how much thay are likely to cost we do have a local gas gas dealer i beleve in buxton are but there website dosent list many parts and prices
  10. as some have you may have seen im new here iv made a couple of post up to now. iv now riden my 96 250 jtr? and it would only run well on choke haveing cleaned the carb it now runs without choke but im unsure how to set the carb up all i can see is the idol screw and near in a small mix screw? how do i ajust the correct? i also carnt get it to idol nicely its ether too high or to low and stops i can ride it and its fine when on the revs ect pulls very well but when u let off or are on low rev it bounces thats the only way i can discrbe it so if you going slow and low revs it sometimes lurchs hard to dicribe but im sure its not right as no other bike iv riden has done it. any help welcome i realy want to get it runing spot on iv cleaned the carb air box and fuel tank and cleaned the plug on my list of to do are new folk seals new plug new airfilter and oils (whats oil do thay use?) anything else i should check?
  11. Hi iv just joined this forum in the hope that you nice people on here will be able to help me with my new buy of a 1996 gas gas 250 iv bought to have some fun on and hopefully do some none competitive trials and ride on my farm. im 27 and me and my m8 got into bikes agout a year ago we always have landys but fancyed 2 wheels aswell so i bought a kmx 125 and he bought a fantic 201 haveing had the kmx a vcouple of years ther is only so much rideing round feilds flat out you can take before it gets boreing and as we had the fantic it got used more than the kmx as going over and up things was more interesting and we can make our own couses so the kmx was sold and a 96 gas gas 250 was picked up last night and after some small jobs i hope to be out on it in my feilds ect so im sure i will need help when the bike gos wrong and also on how to ride ect. anyone else in the high peak and hope valley areas of derbyshire?
  12. Hi all im new here as iv just bought my first trials bike a gas gas what we think is a 1996 250 jtr maybe was wondering ow i find out the year and model ect as the guy i bought it off was unsure as all stickers have been powerwashed off long ago. also where to get plasics ect as the bike is sound in the right places the plastics are scruffy and the rear mud guard is snaped and would tidy up well. thanks cooper
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