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  1. further inspection it has made the plug refuse to spark anymore so i put a new one in but it still runs the same???? any ideas guys
  2. just got a yz125 for playing on. when you ran it up on the spot it would bog a little like it needs cleaning out. so i cleaned the carb airbox new airfilter etc and went out 4 a little play. it was still doing the same thing sometimes it would run real clean for a little bit then bog up again. i slowed down to stop and it really did bog up then and just died and had to push it all the way back i think its fouled the plug but what would be the reason for this. im using motul fully synth 40:1 any ideas??? Cheers james
  3. it turned out to be the head gasket had gone hence it losing some of its coolant aswell
  4. my mate has a starting problem with his 2005 crf250. its very hard to get going hot or cold and seems to take alot of kicks to get it goin sometimes it just floods and you have to leave it for 10 mins or tilt the bike over. what could the probelem be ??float height maybe??
  5. which plug gap is correct please someone verify 1.15mm sounds big to me. Cheers James
  6. james111089

    315r Plug

    can someone tell me the correct plug for a 2002 montesa 315r and the plug gap cheers James
  7. the floats are the right way its tured out to be a duff plaug causeing it run funny. whats the correct ngk plug and gap? Cheers james
  8. can some one please be 100% before i take the carb off again lol i think the domed bits go at the bottom with the pins. Cheers james
  9. hi, cleaned the carb today and not sure which way the floats go in? the pins at the top or bottom? if i have put them in the wrong way would i have damaged anything??? Cheers james
  10. whos going? Our club is holding a trials display i think which was also great to watch last year. anyone else ofn here going? James
  11. Just wondering does anyone know if it would be legal to have my L plate stuck on the back of my helmet? as i keep snapping them off the bike it would also make the bike look better Cheers james
  12. Hi, Got a little ty80 but would like to know the, standard carb settings? Mixture screw? Main jet? Needle? would be very helpful
  13. Just picked up a very nice 1999 beta techno i understand these are supposed to be better than the 00 rev3. is there any pointer to look for and what generally gos wrong on them? The carb leaks fuel abit like most betas. the bike has not seen alot of work at all and its reflected in its condition How much do you think a nice 1999 is worth have a gess and then ill tell you what i paid for it James
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