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Everything posted by dazzagreener
  1. Ahhh iv made a nice tool to measure the amount of fork oil in the leg. Will go down that route.
  2. Hi All I have purchased my first TLR and my first twinshock. I I have stripped my forks down so the stanchions can get rechromed. I was wondering what weight oil you use when rebuilding them and the amount that is put in each leg. Also last of all how much psi to you put in them. I am about 85kg. Thanks.
  3. Ideal that's the answer I was looking for. So I'm going to keep looking for a fantic twin shock project. Iv seen a few tx250 can some tell me what's the difereance between theses and the 200 and 240s
  4. Bloody hell I was only asking if it was possible. Didn't know that this would hurt so many peoples feelings
  5. Hi I've been offered a fantic 241 and was wondering if I could convert it to a twin shock using a 240 swing arm and if I can is there anything else I would need from a 240 to covert it. Cheers
  6. Just come back after doing this trial for the first time and I must say it's properly one of the best things iv ever done on two wheels let alone best trial. Absolutely awesome can't wait to book for next year.
  7. I'm taking my camper down to Browsenter loads of room.
  8. Ye fuel is all sorted going over with a group of 9 of us. Ye hoping the weather is kind fingers crossed.
  9. Many people going? This is my first time just getting the bike ready looking forward to it now.
  10. Neither to I that's why I'm asking ha!!!
  11. Cheers mate I will have a look. Here is a picture for you people that don't what I mean. It's the one under the exhaust.
  12. There is mate. I will try and take a picture if I can. It looks like a smaller oil filler cap!!!!
  13. Hello. Iv recently just bought a 2010 evo. I was just stripping it down to give everything a quick once over and notice a screw that is under the exhaust near the kickstart. The screw was undone slightly so I thought I better do it up but this stops the kickstart from returning to its up right position. The kickstart will only return to the upright position if I undo it about half a turn. Can someone tell me what is stopping me from doing it up tight. Or maybe a way to set it up. Cheers Darren
  14. We'll that done it air gun at work and a special impact socket. The socket is shaped like a flower instead of flats. Also had a bit more slack to create an hammer affect. Engine now split and please to find to noisy main bearings. Cheers.
  15. I'm going to take it into work today and use there air gun. I used a snap on battery one just hope the air gun has a bit more beans to it to undo it.
  16. I'm going to take it into work today and use there air gun. I used a snap on battery one just hope the air gun has a bit more beans to it to undo it.
  17. Right I got my engine out stripped down as far as I can go but I have still got the gear on the end of the crankshaft to come off so I can strip it further. I can't seem to get the nut off. The last time I done this I used the flywheel but it just sheeted the key and then used a impach wrench and that worked. But for some reason the wrench ant working this time. So has anyone got any tips to get the nut off. Cheers
  18. Write I done a trial today on a 2010 250 for the first time since I changed from my rev 3. I noticed the engine is quite rumbley especially when idling. Is this normal for a sherco. I know the history of the bike and it's had an easy life so far you would think everything should be in good condition still. I checked if the was any play in the flywheel and there is nothing so main bearings should be ok. Has anyone got any ideas what the noise could be. My rev3 sounded sweat with no engine rumble at all. Cheers.
  19. Can't really see what you mean mate. Have you any pics
  20. As the title says. Has anyone got an ideal clutch lever set up for someone like me with small hands. I tried moving the lever stop so I don't have to reach so far but when I pull the lever in now the clutch doesn't engage and drags. Any help would be good Cheers
  21. Forgot about this video I done. The music still cracks me up
  22. Right I'm dropping off my misses to the cloths show at the NEC on the 7th December and was thinking what am I going to do?????? I was wondering if there was a trial on that day somewhere in the midlands. If so I could bring my bike or even observe if needed. Cheers
  23. Thought someone on here would know
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