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Everything posted by dazzagreener
  1. Not sure why this is in the sherco section but I'm after at least a spare rear for a beta. Any ideas?
  2. Right I'm thinking about getting a spare set of wheels so I can have a set for training and a set for competing. Does anyone know where I can buy a complete wheel to keep as a spare Cheers
  3. Mate just take the fuel pipe off your carb and turn the fuel on. It should p*** out. Just thought i would be worth checking this as well before you go out tomorrow. It does sound like the same issue as u has with my sherco.
  4. Sounds like fuel starvation to me. My old sherco had a simular issue when I gave it the beans across a field. Found out that there wasn't much flow coming from the fuel tap as the internal fuel filter in the tank was blocked so worth checking that. Or even your float could be sticking not letting fuel into the carb. Just strip the carb down and make sure it all looks ok and check the fuel flow. Cheers Greener
  5. Is it me but I can't view this video. Have you got a link?
  6. Hello as alot of you may doing as its the new year are thinking about starting the gym again. Iv started the gym today and want to use it to improve my trials strength and fitness so has any one got any tips that I can use to help me on my way. Also some diet tips would be good as I want to lose a few pounds. Cheers
  7. I know it's bad ant it but I done the clip for a bit of work laughter as we all like to take the pisssss now and again Hehe I watched so many times now
  8. Would this make it more crisp off the throttle or should I just leave it as it is as I wouldn't make much difference Cheers
  9. Hello if I changed my main and pilot to 27.5 and 145 what should I expect the bike to react like from the standard 150 30 setup Cheers
  10. Hello iv had my rev 3 for a few months now and just doing some of the mods to the carb like brass tang level and changing the breather pipes. I would like to know of there is a good set up for the uk I have a 150 main and 30 small is this ok or is there a better setup for the uk. Also how many turns out on the fixture screw would it be if I changed to a prefered setup. Many thanks Darren
  11. I would Iike to know this as well
  12. Thanks you everyone for your suggestions I will have a look into it and try Cheers
  13. Hello iv just gone from a 2002 sherco 250 to a 2004 rev-3 250 and im finding im getting really bad finger cramp after a while making me loose control of the bike. i could ride my sherco all day without a problem. the only differance from the sherco to the beta that i can see is the sherco had short levers on and in my eyes i think that would of made it worse. iv got smallish hands do you think its better with the short levers as the stroke my be less which would make it easier to ride can anyone give me any advice on how to make it lighter. cheers Darreb
  14. Thanks mate i will look in to this. i did check the vlave on the tank thats ok. also iv checked the float valve thats ok to and cleaned the banjo filter. i will look at the fuel tap filter tonight hopfully. also what mixture should i run i normally do 60:1 but a mate of mine with the same bike does 75:1 cheers
  15. iv still got the problem!!! i think the bike runs lean because a way to start it again when it cuts out going acoss a feild it to put the choke on. also when it starts it revs up very high like its lean. i but a new plug in hoping this would solve the problem cheers
  16. iv also herd leaving it in the sun empty helps as well but not sure has anyone tried this???? does anyone in the UK know were i can non alcohol fuel from cheers
  17. Can anyone tell me a quick step by step to get my tank to shrink back to its original shape. cheers Darren
  18. Has anyone used these just found them are they any good. super tread!!!!!!!
  19. i like the look of these but there mental money and i also got to get them posted to the uk. thanks though
  20. Hello Its that time of year again when all the fields we park in get very wet and differcult to get in or out. i saw something on the weekend that clamps around your wheel a bit like a snow chain but just had four bars on it looked quite simple to fit. Does anyone know what this is or has anyone got anything out there they would recommend to use to keep in the van to help me from getting stuck in a feild like this weekend gone NICE!!!! iv seen these mats you can get. what are they like???? Cheers Darren
  21. Cool thanks for all your advice. I did have ipone 75w gear oil in last. This worked fine and I really liked the action of the clutch My local bike dealer had some putoline light gear oil which also is a 75w so I'm hoping I will get the same sort of response as the ipone oil Fingers crossed
  22. Hello as im not going to ride my bike now intill christmas time i thought i give it a good service ect first thing i want to do is change the gear oil but i would like to know which is the best but dont really want to break the bank like the nano stuff. i ride a 2002 250 sherco thanks in advance Darren
  23. Hello Iv noticed that my bike makes a very faint engine knock when doing climbs ect and also if i go flat out across a feild and as soon as i let off to slow down the bike stalls and takes a while to start agian. my fuel mixture is 64ml for 4 litres the carb is set up as standard for a 2002 this is from the service manual 33 pilot 126 main 3.5 turns on the air mixture 3rd notch on the pin i noticed that on the 2009 service manual that all the settings are the same but they use 122 main jet instead can anyone explain should i change mine to this, would it help with my problems hope someone can help me cheers Darren
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