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Posts posted by betanz
  1. Hi Pete,

    I haven't really had a look at an 11 Evo rear hub but on my little brothers 07 rev 80 we had this problem with the sprocket and we ended up drilling right through and having bolts through and nutted providing a much stronger and secure mount, but as I say I can't say I have looked at a rear hub on the 11's so unsure weather it would work but just another idea.

    Also a merry Christmas to you to Pete.

    Cheers, Brad.

  2. Jitsie!! just bought some and they are great, not skin tight like my clice pants but not uber bagger like my fox motorcross pants, and they come in a variety of colours and designs, also they are much, much better quality than clice. I wear 32" pants/shorts for casual wear (perfect fit) and i bought the medium sized jitsie gear and they fit perfectly.

    Cheers Brad.

  3. Well done Brad. Welcome to engineering. It is fun. Catch up with you some time to chat. Ralphy

    Cheers Ralphy. My tutor is going to get my some hydraulic work experience, which should be awesome as hydraulics is the best out there i reakon :thumbup: . Yes catch up some time, that would be good.

    Cheers Brad.


    By Bradley Grant

    Aim: To end up with a presentable bike

    What you will need:

    1: Bucket

    2: Hard bristled brush

    3: Weed sprayer (cheap one from a hardware store will work well enough)

    4: Garden hose

    5: Bike

    6: Stand for bike that holds the rear wheel up in the air (a nice hydraulic one is good, but a big bit of firewood or something like that would also work)

    7: About an hour of time

    8: Good bike cleaner (I prefer a citrus based detergent)


    1: Park your bike on some concrete and on a stand of some sort.

    2: Get your hose, hook it up to the tap (don't turn it on yet or you will just waste water).

    3: Get your bucket, fill it with luke warm water and add your bike cleaner, and drop your brush in the bucket and place this beside your bike.

    4: Get your weed sprayer, fill it with luke warm water and your bike cleaner, and screw the top back on and place this beside your bucket.

    5: Turn the tap on and you should have a hose with water pouring out of it.

    6: Wet your bike, some of the dirt should come of aswell, depending on how powerful your hose is.

    7: Turn the tap off (I just tie the end of the hose in a simple knot to stop the water flow)

    8: Get your brush out of your bucket with soapy water, it should be wet with some bubbly soap on it.

    9: Scrub your engine (I start with the kickstart side) remember to scrub hard to remove all dirt! keep scrubbing until you are satisfied with the cleanliness of that side of the engine.

    10: Turn on the tap (or untie the hose) and wash away all the loose dirt and detergent.

    11: Repeat steps 9 and 10 on each 'section' of the bike. I do it as follows;

    1: Kickstart side of engine area.

    2: Front end (wheel, tyre, forks, mudguard, name plate or headlight, handlebars, front of radiator, header pipe, bash plate, and the brake components)

    3: The non kickstart side of the engine area.

    4: Rear end (wheel, tyre, swingarm, mudguard, chain and sprokets, brake components, shock, and the foot pegs)

    5: The top of the bike (mudguard, tank, frame, and the 'seat')

    12: Do this twice around the bike.

    13: Now get your weed sprayer full of warm, soapy water and pump it up so that it has sufficient pressure and spray it all over the dirt/oil that remains, do this all over the bike and get the nozzle as close to the dirt/oil as possible, this usually removes the dirt/oil that you cant get at with the brush.

    14: After you have thouroughly covered the bike with this method, rinse it off with the hose.

    15: Stand back and admire your clean bike.

    For an added effect buy yourself some silicone spray, this will not only make your plastics shiny it will also protect them. Silicone spray also works on tyre sidewalls, dark metalic parts on your bike, and ALL plastics, such as the front sproket/flywheel cover, the radiator cover, and the chain guard.

    For an even more thorough wash, remove all plastics before washing commences and also clean the underside of the removed plastics.

    Cheers Brad.

  5. Good to hear you got them fixed, engineering tutors love it when you can bring something in thats slightly out of the ordinary to use as a demonstration.

    Hopefully you get an apprenticeship with a firm whose boss lets you do home jobs, you learn so much more that way

    haha yea, an aprenticeship would be awesome!!!! :)

  6. All I wear is tight trials pants (clice, but I cannot recomend them as the quality is just not that great, after about 2 weeks some of the stitching had come undone), short sleeved t-shirt (normal cotton t-shirt that you would wear around normally., Gaerne trials boots (these are sooo comfortable and they look pretty good too), V-can v590 trials helmet, giro mountainbike gloves (because i get good deals at the local bike shop and the motorcycle shop had nothing likable in stock... try chainreactioncycles.com for gloves as they have a massive selection), I dont wear baggy pants as they tend to get caught on things and they just dont feel right when riding, and i highly reccomend wearing gloves as having grazed hands will only keep you from riding, also i wear a short sleeved t-shirt as I find that if you are cold in the winter you just arent working hard enough lol, and i find that the long sleeved trials shirts are just too baggy and get in the way, although i do wear my long sleeved trials top at national/ island events as it matches my pants and makes me look good lol. :banana2:

    Cheers Brad.

  7. Hi Brad

    Take the forks apart and just roll the tubes along a flat surface, you will see if they are bent. The safest way to straighten the tubes is have them rolled between 4 other rollers, with the bent tube in the middle. I dont know where you could have this done in Timaru, Just ring engineers and ask if they have tube straighting service. Good luck.


    Hi pete, All I did is i took them to my engineering tutor at polytech and he helped me straighten them, so now I have straight forks and more engineering knowledge.

    Cheers Brad.

  8. Hi there,

    I have just had a crash out in the paddock in which i tried to go up a bank with nearly no run up (bank is vertical) and the bike got up the top and managed to do a flip while I watched from to bottom, when i picked it up everthing in the front end seemed bent or out of place so i came back to the garage and loosened all the triple clamp bolts and axle pinch bolts and wigled it around and it made no difference so i kept it all loose and took the mudgaurd and brake caliper off and then proceeded to take the front wheel out and it took a lot more effort than normal to get the axle out but it eventually gave in and out came the front wheel aswell, then i slowly turned the axle in my hand and up at the light to see if it was bent and it is fine, so i then went to take out the forks and as you would normally i grabed the stantions and pulled down aswell as twisted them and they would not budge at all so i took the top triple clamp off the top and the forks came out the bottom of the lower clamp normally. then i held a ruler against the stantions of both forks and you can see a gap between the edge of the ruler and the fork stantion about 5 cm up from the outer fork, but only on the left hand side one, the one without the spring. so my question to you is: Are my forks or well.. fork bent or not? and if your not sure any other ideas to test it? also if it is bent is it possible for the fork stantion to be taken out and straightened? (obviously not by me lol)

    Note: my bike is a 2001 beta rev 3 250 with the paoli forks.

    Really need urgent help!!!

    Cheers Brad.

  9. The pioneer guys are great, they have helped me a lot with my trials. They are based in Christchurch and most of their trials are out on the peninsula which is great, for trials dates check out their website...... www.pioneertrials.co.nz Also at the end of feb there is a trial down in Timaru, (where i live) it is held on an absolutly awesome property too.

    Hope to see you around.

    Cheers Brad.

  10. Hey guys,

    My brother has a 2007 rev 80 and when you put a lot of load on it by slipping the clutch it seems to slip and make a horrible noise as if there is metal to metal somewhere, we have drained the gearbox and there seems to be no sign of excess metal on the drain plug and the oil seems to be the correct used colour with no water in it, we have also had the side cover off and the clutch and everyhting under the cover seems well lubricated. The clutch seems to work fine otherwise and everything else seems good, The bike has low hours and is well looked after, so any ideas?? We need help! Also do the ktm 65 sx clutch parts fit the rev 80?

    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Cheers Brad.

  11. I have been running a tube in my tubeless rear wheel for a while now and it seems fine, I have run pressures as low as 1.5psi on a really muddy trial with rocks and the tube did not puncture or anything and after the trial I pumped it up to my normal river riding 5 - 6psi and it stayed at that untill the next time it was muddy.

    Cheers Brad.

  12. :D

    My question for you is... does age matter? Can you learn perfect balance if one is middle age?

    Thanks for the tips on riding the unicycle. I saw a few small videos on YouTube. There is one young fellow who is quite good at explaining the basics... how to mount (same as you said) and to take it real slow. Just sit there and rock one leg and then the other for 10 minutes at a time. Your tip to use the walls of the house is great.

    BTW: That guy on YouTube... his first tip: get a bicycle helmet and wrist/palm bands because you will go down and often. :(

    Helmet etc sounds like a good idea, maybe I should have thought about that a little earlier :D

    The age thing... my dads mates have had a go on my uni but have failed, but in saying that they were only here for 1 night at a time and my mates at school failed but only because they only had the 1 day to try it and by the looks of it if some of them had the uni for about a week they would be sorted. Sitting on the unicycle holding onto something and rocking your legs back and forth is good as you get used to what the uni will do when you pedal forward and backward.

    Cheers Brad.

    P.S. I am trying to ride backward at the moment...it's not easy, very scary, and frustrating :wall: but funny to anyone watching :rotfl:

  13. I learned to ride a unicycle about 2-3 years after starting to ride dirt bikes and about 2-3 years before I started to ride trials, and I can say that it definitly does help if you have the balance on a unicycle. The trick is to start out by riding along side your house while holding onto the wall and then you will gain confidence to ride without holding the wall, now you need to set up an A point and a B point (rubbish bins or poles work well, something about elbow height roughly) and start by holding onto point A and try ride to point B, when you achieve this with confidence then make the gap larger and larger and then you pretty much have it sorted. This took me about a week of about an hour a day. After all this you can start of without holding onto anything by walking your uni along and when one of the pedals is at the very bottom of the rotation put your foot on it and then your other foot and sit on the seat and your away :D I now ride to town on my unicycle when I need something and I can also drop of my decking which is about a foot and ride down stairs :P It is pretty much the same as trials as you need balance and you need lots of confidence.

    Cheers Brad.

    Feel free to ask any questions.

  14. Hi,

    I have a beta rev 3 250 2001 model and it is great with no faults I believe that the 05/06 rev3 is a very good bike.

    Personnaly I think that the gassers are just nowhere near as reliable, Go beta even the earlier ones like mine are awesome although I will be upgrading to an 08 model soonish.

    Cheers Brad.

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