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  1. anyone happen to know the stock jetting for a 2012 125? I bought a used one and it is running really rich, just want to see what the stock jetting should be so i have a base to start.
  2. just got a sponsorship from galfer, now to see if I can get trials brake pads..lol. I don't see them anywhere on their online site or catalogue.
  3. Got to ride with and watch a couple of the best in the US today and yesterday. Got to see some amazing riding skills by Bryan Roper and Andrew Putt, along with Bryan's little brother Josh. These guys are top notch!
  4. yeah, I have enough bikes for now, the ty250 was just a fluke coming across it and it was a good deal. I put it in the hands of a guy that does a lot of work on the ty's. He will find a good home for it.
  5. ahh emissions, I am sure I can definitely do with out it the. Its kind of cool that I am coming across some of these older bikes. I just bought a 1974 ty 250 "cat" today. Kept if for less than an hour and one of my friends bought it, but its still cool to find these bikes and save them from some kid abusing them as a moto crosser
  6. Not sure what this is, I think its the crankcase breather,,,is it really needed? It seems to take up a lot of space..
  7. I emailed him to see what he thinks. I ride the lower class, so I am not doing any big splatters or anything. I was just wondering if it would be better on my bike to have the heavier spring. Looks as though its not that much of an investment if it would be beneficial.
  8. What is the standard spring weight for a 2012 sherco? I am also on the larger side, 265. Should I be looking for a heavier spring as well?
  9. hey thanks for that. My springs may have been replaced at one time because they do not look like that. I did put them in the way the tlr manual says with the tighter windings on the top and they seem to be working good. The fluid level definitely was off, so it is right now as well.
  10. thank you very much, looks like I have another project today. I only put back in what came out and that was only around 4oz, Time to tear it back apart and put in the correct amount. I am sure it will feel better when that is done! also, the tlr200 manual I have says to put the smaller spaced coils towards the top. I don't seem to really have a tapered side to my springs. Are the smaller coils what you are referring to go towards the bottom?
  11. found out the small coils face up.. that's what I thought just trying to make sure
  12. I am in the process of changing the fork oil in my newly acquired 1986 reflex. I have the manual for the tlr200 for fork oil capacity but I know those forks are larger. Does anyone know the correct amount of atf to put in the reflex forks. I did not totally dis-assemble them, just pulled the tops off, the springs out and let it drain. Looks like about 4 ounces came out of each fork but I don't know if that was the correct amount to begin with. It looked like it was from 1986....also do the springs go with the tighter winding to the top or bottom. I just noticed that after I am ready to put them back in...
  13. also which model sheng wey are you running?
  14. I did find a downloadable service manual if anyone is interested.
  15. I just took apart the side cover and saw that there was some sludge in the inner spring past the outer casing. I cleaned it out, drained all the oil and want to put the right side cover back on, but in the meantime the auto decompression spring fell off and I cant tell which way it goes back on. so I am in a search for that. Could anyone with a manual send me a picture of the auto decompression page by chance? I need the spring location as well as the outer shaft parts. I see where the flat washer and spring go, but the bigger gear with the oblong surface, not sure which way it goes. I am going to try new oils and remove sludge before I tear apart the whole case..hopefully this will work.
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