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  1. austin6728

    No start

    2019 TRS 280 One RR got spark getting fuel carb is clean WON'T START tried a little fuel down the cylinder head but not even close to firing up Any suggestions?
  2. Thank you i haven't seen any numbers on the frame but to be honest i haven't had a real good look and if there were they may have been painted over at some point Cheers, Austin
  3. Many thanks Hughie that was great to get that info and see the pictures of the bike. Can you possibly confirm the age i was told it was a 68 and when i look up the engine number it is a little confusing to me and think it might be 67 screenshot below if for year 67 i don't seem to bee anything in 68 for B40GB Any info would be very much appreciated Cheers, Austin PS I'm new to these old bikes
  4. I have just purchased what I've been told is a 1968 BSA B40 Otter Military with engine number B40 GB 1123 can anyone help with confirming the age of the bike? I'm also looking for a manual and want to make sure i purchase the correct one Many thanks in advance
  5. Ive got a 2017 Sherco ST Factory and the fan didn't seem to be coming on thought it was the thermostat so took bridged it out so it should come on all the time when the bike is running. I started the bike but still no fan initially unless i touch the fan blades then it comes on. when i turn the bike off and start it again no fan again unless i touch the fan blades then bingo it runs again. I have given it a good blast with compressed air and a squirt of WD40 but still sticking on start up Anyone got an idea whats wrong ??? Fan sounds ok when it is running
  6. Just done an oil change on the nephews 2015 Beta Evo 125 it's been 5 months since it was last done by myself (long over due) i put 500ml in then but when drained the old oil out there was only 100+ ml in there so where has it gone?? there has been no signs of it leaking anywhere. His bike does smoke a bit from the exhaust unlike the other betas we have of same age and i have cleaned out and repacked the exhaust which helped. Is there anyway there could be an internal leak and the oil is getting into the cylinder and burning off ????( I'm Doubtful but thought I'd ask the question ) Cheers
  7. Different part numbers HAS ANYONE GOT ONE FOR SALE
  8. Does anyone know if a 2012 beta evo 250 exhaust silencer will fit a 2015 Beta Evo 125 ???
  9. Ive repacked the silencer end and it's slightly better but i'm guessing there is packing in the mid section which isn't so easy to do as it needs cut open re packed and re welded. Also tonight i looked at the cab settings online and noted that the air screw setting is 1 +1/2 out from closed I'm sure when i cleaned it out the other week there for the nephew it was 3 turns out ! Guessing he's been possible fiddling around with it although he would deny it ?? will check tomorrow hopefully it's that simple don't want to get into packing the mid box if i can help it
  10. austin6728

    piston rings

    the nephews both have Beta Evo 125's 2015 models one of them seems to be lacking in power compared to the other one and also sounding a little tinny i'm thinking new piston rings and top end bearing would help any advice would be much appreciated
  11. yeh fussy ? mistake need to be more careful with the online shopping at 2am ??
  12. remove the exhaust remove packing hang it and burn it out with a heat gun. i had the same problem with my nephews beta, I called beta UK for advise and was told to use a good quality semi synthetic 2 stroke oil NOT fully synthetic as trials bikes tend not to run at high revs enough to burn off the oil. (72ml oil to 5lt fuel) Seems to have worked for me think there is a post somewhere on here with the same advice also youtube has some videos
  13. Just checked my order on Ebay I BOUGHT THE WRONG IDLE SCREW ? returned today
  14. Just compared the idle screws and and they have different thread lengths the aftermarket DAB on being shorter therefore with the spring on it wont screw far enough in to the carb so the option is to shorten the spring or go back to the original screw Thanks for the input
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