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  1. FORD = Found On Road Dead
  2. have my tickets and android ready for fort william, if anything new arrives i will post it quickly
  3. it is in the interest of dealers to do this but demo bikes only seem to appear when they have a new model new dealer etc... better to blag a ride of bikes at trials, i always dish mine out to anyone interested.
  4. mrwhite

    "The bike has had new tyres and chain and sprockets fitted for the last day in Scotland so have done no work at all really" forgive me if i'm wrong but 100+ miles flat out in rain is hardly new. more to the point if his entry was on a 250 why is this a 300? entry list least whoever buys it can say they personally sponsored jarvis's ride for the ssdt.
  5. Honda are like the cold war soviets, they don't want to give anything away until the have to. Don't be overly surprised if something comes out in the next few years, just don't expect it too soon. If I were them allegedly sitting on lots of stock there is no way I would de-value it by an announcement like that.
  6. It appears that all rumors of Honda not developing are true. Nothing outstanding here possible cat under massive guard, wheels, strange spindle protectors on rear...... I could make my 05 look like that booting a few extras on they must still be trying to refresh old stock and move it on
  7. I use 6004 rs bearings in electric motors regularly and bikes from time to time. From what I have seen you get exactly what you pay for. Having negotiated huge discounts from bearing distributors cost has no bearing " no pun intended " on my choice. Cheap bearings are never going to last so I always fit the best with the largest clearance. I only pay around
  8. Try anyvan.com you list what you have to and from etc.. From white van men to sausage companies bid for the job, as they can see other bids the price falls like a stone.
  9. fantastic you could have fooled me
  10. a small box i carry to trials, spanner set allen key set screwdriver set hammer chain breaker & spare few links of chain "one link round the throttle cable rubber on bike" pliers tied to bike various cable ties "some on bike" chain lube & wd40 spare dry outfit gloves socks and waterproofs spare levers duct and masking tape plug key and plugs "gap pre set" tin of tyre weld you would be surprised what cant be fixed with a outfit like that
  11. Beware of jumping in with both feet, a 4t will generally take more effort to ride due to the weight, power delivery and alien ride in comparison to a 2t. As with all bikes blag a ride and see what you think before committing. Good luck.
  12. If its the Ty 250 you have seen its not a bad start if its a good example its near the right sort of money. The reliability of of a Ty is good yet its in a funny place not much better than a twinshocks but in a class of modern bikes. If its around the sort of money you want to spend my suggestion would be a montesa 315. Although only a few years newer they are miles ahead in development and less of a handful in modern sections. Honda build quality is also excellent. A rough but mechanically sound one should be only a couple hundred more.
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