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  1. hy guys just a bit of help please im putting maps on i to be honest they dont seem any different at all is there 2 maps that are really powerfull and mild as 125cc or sumat so i can tell cheers ste
  2. hy guys where do you get your 4rt maps from apart from montesa.nl and whats this sains map ive heard about
  3. ah rite il leave it for now then and other thing i put beginner map and power map on and can hardly tell difference is there two that are good
  4. hey guy does anyone have any look with the (create maps)from this site http://www.montesa4rt.nl/startpagina.htm . its a great site ive got alot from them but when i download the create maps it wont let me is it just me or everyone .cheers ste
  5. you wouldnt recomend buying then
  6. haha it was nightmare but it wasnt sandifords fault it was there suplyer sending her wrong discs all time , does anyone no how to get hold of a program to make maps ive seen one on welkom montesa site but wont let me download oh and some crazy maps if possible cheers
  7. hy guys just to let you no i finally got my kit working today all along it was the wrong discs i kept getting sent im now using 2008 disc and happy now
  8. i thought you sust it barfy there my settings were different slightly on flow control mine said none so changed it to xon/xoff but unfort no good still same fault
  9. <p>hy barfy do you mean com port properties on page 3
  10. hy guys i think im getting closer lol , ive bought a old laptop connected all up but get this error does anyone no what it means (COM init.(B)F/B data error) hopefully this is the problem cheers ste
  11. just a chance does anyone no much about laptops i do have a old one with serial port on xp BUT it wont read this disc it will only read music cds any idea before i buy another cheers ste
  12. this baby should work shouldnt it (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350572226260?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649)
  13. this baby should work shouldnt it (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/350572226260?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649)
  14. oh great thanks so much mines the same so im thinking it wont work via pc ill try and pick up a old laptop thanks so much barfy
  15. ye the thing im unsure about is when i go into device manager ,ports, mine allways says communication port 1, and 2 and when i plug serial port in nothing else pops up does yours , if you dont mind me asking what make laptop do you have i might buy one as its prob my pc's on xp
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