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Posts posted by ringo
  1. Airline ticket, check

    Hawaiian shirt, check

    10 year old press bib...... Hey Ahlers, I'm going to need my press bib back...

    Of course I don't really need it as I'm actually a legitimate journalist now [don't spill your coffee on your laptop laughing Ishy] but it just wouldn't be a World Round without it.

  2. I love Kramit's knack with saying something that draws out the kind of rant above. Kramit's statement:

    ..."the NATC in their infinite wisdom has created a class that allows riders with little

    or no Trials Experience to compete (coupe of magazine writers at Donner 2 years ago)"...

    is 100% factual and stated without offering an opinion pro or con. The two riders who entered were exactly as stated, “Little or no experience”.

    Chris Denison, professional freestyler [retired] and current editor for Dirt Rider Magazine had competed in only ONE trials competition prior to this National and Kris Keefer, professional motocross racer and Dirt Rider test rider had never been on a trials bike before. Neither one owns a trials bike.

    For those who missed that story, these guys [along with some knucklehead in a Hawaiian shirt] rode Adventure bikes from Los Angeles to Donner [500 miles] on Friday, competed both days then we rode home right after the trial on Sunday. Kramit knows this because he rode up there with us!

    How ya like Kramit now?

  3. Knowing Johnny, if he had been in a transfer position in his heat race, he probably would have delayed the proposal.

    Now that's funny how true that is and exactly why I created this adventure. I'm writing the story now for Endurocross.com but I'll tell you this much, I fully intended on obliterating myself on the ride to Vegas so I wouldn't have a chance to win. Bob Madden has always been the fastest guy in TFM and you have no choice but to ride at mach speed when you ride with him. My sole intent was to simply make it out on the track in order to get to the spot where I would get off the bike and propose. As it turned out, I made it to Vegas in time to get out on the track to learn some tips from Taddy Friday night and practice a few laps and sections. Keep in mind one lap on that freaking coarse is brutal. To add to the drama, [keep in mind that I haven't had an ounce of liquour for over a year] I went out and celebrated 'the ride' with Bob and Jen on Friday night with three long island ice teas. Yes, that's what a professional does before each race. By the time saturday came around and I had completed my two pracice sessions, I was done but I had my qualifier to 'do the deal'. The gate droped, I got the matrix section and went over the bars on the last log, taking out my knee. I jumped up, continued on to the designated spot and you heard the rest of the story. At that point I got what I came for and that was the look on her face up in the stands. goto youtube and search for 'epic endurocross wedding proposal'. So yes, this race was all for Jen, not me.

  4. Bob 'Maxiumum' Madden [Plonkers VP] is my wingman for the Adventure Ride out. Charlie will be on his annual 6x6 Expedition trip through the Mojave preserve. He's slated to be at Kokoweef on Sunday so Bob, Jen and I will be joining him to continue this incredible adveture after EX. The real "man" question will be whether or not we decide to race the KTMs back home from there.

    Fraceman, I'm waiting for the extra battery for the GoPro!!!

    Funny, we still haven't heard from Craig! What's up cityboy? Still chewing on those cookies you tossed last time you chanllenged me at EX?? You have the edge here as I see you've been racing your ass off and look to be in shape. I'm old, tired and out of shape so you should be able to readily spank me considering I'm obliterating myself the day before.

  5. Your doing this alone? Where's the Plonker Crew when you need em. Its beginning to look like the "Adventure" side of that Crew is Pit Racing and SCTA Meetings.

    Bob 'Maxiumum' Madden [Plonkers VP] is my wingman for the Adventure Ride out. Charlie will be on his annual 6x6 Expedition trip through the Mojave preserve. He's slated to be at Kokoweef on Sunday so Bob, Jen and I will be joining him to continue this incredible adveture after EX. The real "man" question will be whether or not we decide to race the KTMs back home from there.

    Fraceman, I'm waiting for the extra battery for the GoPro!!!

  6. Every Harley Rider (or Ex Harley Rider) I ever knew had his old lady following him in an old Ford or Chevy Pickup.

    Some things never change.

    Now that's some funny stuff right there! Not sure which is heavier, my old Harley or that KLX of yours.

  7. Montesa 4RT clutch fix:

    Honda part number for CR 125 clutch friction disks: 22201-KS6-700

    Honda part number for CR 125 clutch plate: 22321-KA3-710

    BTW, here's the rear fender flange bolt part number: 90106-KY2-701 [$2.56 each]

    • Like 1
  8. Maybe, but he still has the COOLEST arrival to an EnduroCross event to date.

    Try this:

    43 year old nutcase rides a 300lb dual sport bike from Rancho Cucamonga to Las Vegas via Death Valley on Friday then enters the same bike in EX on Saturday. The LA-Barstow-Vegas route is typically 450 miles so I'm going to have to chisel it down quite a bit to make it in one day.

    Do I hear a bet brewing from cityboy craig???? B)

  9. If anyone is driving through Durant Oklahoma on their way to So CA anytime soon and would like some fuel money for picking up a Montesa and delivering it, email me at ringomoto@yahoo.com

    I'd rather pay a fellow trials rider then an unknow shipping company.

  10. We're proud to announce that Malcolm Smith Motorsports and Dirt Rider Magazine have stepped up to the plate and are sponsoring The Plonkers of Southern California Championship Series for 2011/2012. Are there any Moore sponsors out there who'd like to throw their hat in the mix??

    Ok, I have to go to X-Games now.

  11. re-habs worked well then ringo good to see you back in the saddle!

    Doc talking to Kate in Tombstone about Johnny Ringo.

    "I don't know if I I like him or hate him. Yep, I hate him! He reminds me of ME!"

    My sentiments exactly when I think of Nigel!

    Good to be back you sour old Brit! :guinness::guinness:

  12. I couldn't be happier to SHAMELESSLY PLUG The Plonkers!

    Two of this years TDN riders are members of The Plonkers MotoTrials Club of Southern California. Andrew Oldar and Eric Storz will bring a style and flair that the world has never seen and we're proud to have them in our club.


    Plonkers Prez and shameless promotor of the sport of Mototrials.

  13. The Plonkers Trials Club is proud to announce that our very own Plonkers member will be competing in X-Games tomorrow.

    Ryan "SANDYPANTS" Sandoval was born into the Plonkers famlily and grew up riding and competing with us. Look at him now!!!!

    Isn't it amazing what MotoTrials has done for our riders??? Just watch the X-Games to see the talent that So CA has produced.

  14. Hey Fraceman,

    Always good to hear from you! Yeah, you Canadians are a real class act and I haven't met one I don't like. We're loading up and heading for the Grand Canyon now. Let's see what kind of scary edge riding I can find there. B)

  15. Hey All,

    Just a quick note to say that I'm spending the week in Moab and my friend from the Vancouver area of Canada rode my Montesa today for 5 minutes and asked me to find him one. You guys were awesome last time so I'm asking for leads to help me find him a nice [not riden by anyone who rides like I do] 2004 or newer Montesa 4RT.

    Here's a little snapshot of the type of riding you get here. If the link doesn't work simply go to youtube and search "moab razorback"

    Please send Montesa leads to rinogmoto@yahoo.com



  16. You are a real smart ass, worse than me! Don't be unfair to these kids, they work hard and have a good time at the game.

    ps- Poor Cody has no ass left, I thought I was walking up behind Chris Florin last time I seen him! :rolleyes:

    The fact that you're walking up behind any rider thinking about their ass is disturbing to say the least.

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