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Everything posted by petwar
  1. Hats off to you! That is awsome!
  2. Im with HIC and have a transporter with seats/rock and roll bed in. I told them and they just asked if it had seatblts and that was it! Ive only ever been asked what i was using my van for once and I said I use it to carry personal stuff and my dogs! What you carry should make no difference!
  3. Its very simple to do. Make sure you are cutting the correct link by fitting the new sprockets, slacken off the rear wheel and wind the chain adjusters in but not all the way in, leave about 10mm if they are the bolt type or set them to around number 5 if they are the snail type, then tighten the rear wheel spindle. Feed the chain onto the sprockets leaving one end about half way round the rear sprocket. Overlap the other end of the chain and carefully mark the link you need to split. Check its is all sat on the sprockets correctly, and check again, and again, and once more!! Take the chain off the sprockets. Using a grinder (either angle, bench, or a grindstone in a drill) remove the rivited parts of the link. If you have a vice, place the chain at 90degrees to the jaws, open the vice so it is just wider than the link. Then use a centre punch or pin punch and a hammer to knock the link through the gap in the vice jaws. Then fit it and ride!! Hope that helps.
  4. petwar

    Beta Techno 1995

    sorry to burst your bubble but those frame numbers have definatly been tampered with. You could go to the police but odds are they wont do anything other than take the bike off you. if i was you i would just ride the thing and act dumb if anyone mentions it to you. The only other option is to sell it on but then I supose you could be seen as selling stolen goods.
  5. could be a number of things, blocked exhaust, gummed up rings, blocked airfilter?
  6. you will have to sorn it every year yes but you will get a reminder and you can do it in minutes online.
  7. sorry to hijack your thread but i also need some info on a trailer. I have an old axle off a vw caddy van and was thinking of building a trailer round it. I would be using 14" wheels. I am wondering if I will need any form of suspension on it? would it be uncontrolable without it?
  8. the turning circle on an l200 can be adjusted to make it much better.
  9. how about this? Its one of the last greatly built jap trials bikes and is a definate future classic! tyz
  10. I am in the same boat as you mate and I have got myself a tyz 250 and my mate has just got a mont 315. they are both excellent bikes for a novice. both have japanese engines and are pretty much bullet proof! It all depends on your budget and what you are looking for. I picked my tyz up for
  11. spark plug cap? That thing was running with the cap off! I dont think it was tracking across so it must have been dieseling
  12. Ive always used 2000 grit wet and dry paper with plenty of 3 in 1 oil to lubricate it.
  13. A guy who was riding there today said it could be moisture. But surely he would have had to rev it for it to stick? Im pretty sure he just fired it up and didnt touch the throttle?
  14. Me and my mate where out practicing today when we stopped for a breather. my mate kicked his bike up and it started to rev up on its own. he pressed the cutout and its revs dropped slightly then went through the roof! I grabbed a stick and tried to remove the supressor cap (the stick and my gloves where wet) of course I got zapped and could even feel it leaving me thru my boots lol! It still kept on running so we stuck it in 6th and dumped the clutch whilst it was up against a tree. That stalled it. After it had stopped we checked the throttle and it was working fine? Ive heard of this happening before but cant remember what causes it. We didnt fire it up again after, as 30 seconds of full chat was enough for one day lol!
  15. I have never tried starting a tlr but i have had numerous honda singles including a pig of a 600. the nack i always use is to feel for top dead center, let the kick start return to the top then depress it around one inch. let it return to the top then give it a good hard kick but dont stamp on it as this can damage the kickstart mech. But as said above make sure the carb and plug is in good order first.
  16. Surely there is no need to contact the ACU over this. If the child had been physically abused then yes I would see the need to contact them. At the end of the day it was probably a petty little arguement that the child took to heart and got upset about. I supose you could always take note of both names of people involved and make sure that it doesnt happen again. If it was to occur again then maybe take it further.
  17. just do the gentlemanly thing, get them both together after calming them both down and get them to shake hands and appologise. simples.
  18. thats awsome! ive had to use an old bar pad as lagging to stop my boiler condenser pipe from freezing! ive now got a werks honda boiler lol!
  19. petwar

    tyz250 coolant

    due to the very cold conditions in my area, down to -8! what type of coolant and mixture is correct? is it ok to use the blue stuff you use in car engines as long as it is ok for aluminium?
  20. if there is a split in amy part of the intake this will cause un-metered air to be sucked in making the mixture too lean. putting the choke on will cause the mixture to richen up. i would check all of the gaskets and rubbers for splits or leaks.
  21. is there a large differance between trials and motorcross boots? other than more grip on the sole?
  22. i mite just do that mate, where is it in bradfield?
  23. yes sorry, it is the clutch arm. Basically it looks as if somepoint its snapped a chain and pulled it round the front sprocket damaging the guard lugs and the casing where the clutch arm shaft enters the gearbox. Im hoping i can repair it with a new seal and liquid metal as it leaks when the bike it leant over. Or whats the odds on getting a 2nd hand casing?
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