Its very simple to do. Make sure you are cutting the correct link by fitting the new sprockets, slacken off the rear wheel and wind the chain adjusters in but not all the way in, leave about 10mm if they are the bolt type or set them to around number 5 if they are the snail type, then tighten the rear wheel spindle. Feed the chain onto the sprockets leaving one end about half way round the rear sprocket. Overlap the other end of the chain and carefully mark the link you need to split. Check its is all sat on the sprockets correctly, and check again, and again, and once more!! Take the chain off the sprockets. Using a grinder (either angle, bench, or a grindstone in a drill) remove the rivited parts of the link. If you have a vice, place the chain at 90degrees to the jaws, open the vice so it is just wider than the link. Then use a centre punch or pin punch and a hammer to knock the link through the gap in the vice jaws. Then fit it and ride!! Hope that helps.