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  1.  Hi. Pscharauber. I own several bultaco sherpa because I am a great fan, not only about the brand, but about the technical of the Bultaco sherpas. I appreciate your high expertise in this model. 

    Now, I am writing you about a post you wrote some time ago, regarding the middle exahust of the Bultaco Sherpa. May be, you remember it. In this topic, you talked about "There are some very good articles that where published in the German Trialsport magazine in the begining 80's about these exhaust systems, how they work and how to set them up if you are interested PM, (warning contains a lot of formulars). I personal have got through them too, but decided the effort would not be worth my riding skills. :rolleyes:" I am really interested in these articles. Could you send me some information about them?

    Thank you in advance.



    1. pschrauber



      the information is not the newest one but a good hint what to archive, also not sufficient in aspects but a good starting point and explain the basics.

      The calculation of the intake and the (very important) exhaust calculator by former Herculles is a good tool anyway, I need a your personal and valid e-mail to provide further information.



    2. Hydra


      Hi, Patrick: Thank you in advance

      best regards


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