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Everything posted by pschrauber
  1. Not so far, I'am also searching a replacement to my worn out BING, (the slider shutters around inside the carb, slider and sadly the barrel of the arbbody is worn out in the lower section. I know that a Dell'Orto VHST 28mm will go too and should improve throttel response and gas consumption. This is discussed and shown in Zonatrial in Spain: Superpreparaci
  2. Just got the reply from the factory, it is not possible to take the original sidecases as a model for sandcasting because the new cast will shrink during cooling down - around 4% of the original dimension - this will not work because of the rods for the clutch, the gear and the kick starter ... Their solution would be a 3D scan of the cases, then they would crop the electronical model to the calculated bigger dimensions that are necessary to compansate the shrinking while cooling down. They would then milling a castingmodel of the 3D data. This model will then be used for the casting process. The costs: 4000
  3. Haven't heard about that brand or that possibility yet, I will give it a try. I just have ordered a set with 10 sticks, (hope this is enough). Will keep you informed how it worked out at the end.
  4. @feetupfun: Thank You for the hint, one question: If I will do so (pushing the dents out, the cracked parts will probably brake off, this is no problem? @feetupfun, @totalshell, Thank You for the hint, one question: The side cases are die-casts so welding is difficult are there any hints which kind of weldingmaterial I should use, welding should be done with WIG? As You see in my reply: I do feel a little bit unconfortabele doing so because these are the only one I have, If I would have spare a try out is no problem, (I like to do some experimental stuff if it is reversible or there exist a second plan.
  5. Hi, I have a Sherpa 340, which I'am rebuilding, the bike is in a let's call it good condition beside of some parts. One of the main issues are the side cases where some alumium of the embelms are broken off, (can be fixed with fluid / kned metal). My concerns are the impacts that are visible and caused cracks on both side cases. I searched already E-Bay, dealers worldwide for gettimg replacement cases, but did not found any. Here are some pic's of the cases outside: Now the problem inner sides, (the cracks to the clutch side are not so good visible (only one of three!): As visible the case structure on both sides is weakend a lot. I could by a second bike as a sparepart would work with a 199a to 199b, but this is not my first intention. I have sent both cases to a manufactory that do metalcsatings and have also a machining center, (they do gearbox castings for VW here in Germany), to give me an offer. The casting will be a sand castings, no die csating because than they have to make forms which should be extreme expensive. To remanufacture only two for both sides will be expensive too, if there is a smaller production run the costs will be go down, anyone interested? (I don't want to make any bargain, you would get them for the money the manufactor will have + shipping. If the remanufacturing will be to expensive, (I'am afraid it will be), do you have any good hints to get the side cases repaired?
  6. Hi folks, I have done trials competition in the 80's, (from 1981 to 1988). Then I had a "trialsbreak", while studying and working, .... Now will strat again, do have my very first "real or bigger" Trialsbike left, a Yamaha TY 125, still there could not trade it away all the years because ther where to many good memorys together with the bike. As a real trialsplonker I could get my hands on a bultaco Sherpa 340 in pretty original condition. Both bikes I will rebuild to use at vintage trial competitions and just for playing around, (now with an age of 46 I never will get a master of trials somwhere it's not my intentetion to do so). For the Bultaco I have to some repairs, the bike stood around 10 - 20 years in a garage, rubber parts, ... worn out bearings, ... For the Yamaha I have to do a tune up, (myself haven' t got up in weight but the performance/power of the standard Yamaha 125 is poor for advantage trials riding even in vintage event's IMHO), eb
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