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  1. Have you looked at these?
  2. greychapel

    Ty175 Barrel

    It's probably a 200 cc whitehawk, instead of short studs and sleeved head bolts they had full length studs and ordinary nuts on the head. Have a look at the spigot on the barrel, if its very thin its a 200cc barrel
  3. Have a look at the swinging arm slipper pad, the chain can clunk on that if its worn badly
  4. Wow lookat the torque curve ln the gas gas, near vertical from about 1500 to less than 2000 rpm. I've found the gas gas 300 pretty rideable actually, the 300 beta however i find tiring to ride, be interesting to see the figures for it.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1422481697978753/?ref=share_group_link
  6. Have a word with Steve Bamford at Casa montes trials holidays Southern Spain Facebook page
  7. I always put a thick washer between the frame and silencer tabs also
  8. I am 71 and still riding, i started trials at age 16 in 1967, so i say carry on as long as you enjoy it.
  9. May not be relevant but worth checking, had similar problems with my Evo, when i took the trigger/ pick up coil off to check the stator there was a lump of dirt/ grease on it, i cleaned off with solvent and lo and behold everything was fine again
  10. Evo totally different bike, huge improvement went ftom rev3 to evo and was gobsmacked
  11. As someone who rides motorcycles almost every day and also an agricultural quad with thumb throttle every day, I can't say i notice much difference in "controllability ". I will say though that in the situation described I use the clutch rather than the twistgrip on my trials bike to "check " after blippkng over an obstacle, still I applaud your inventiveness
  12. greychapel


    You could try the universal bar risers off flea bay, they clamp into the existing mounts and then the bars clamp on top, the have removable inserts to allow for normal or fat bars
  13. Just did a quick google check, here is the official blurb What is the ethanol content of your fuels? ... Esso super unleaded petrol (Synergy Supreme+ Unleaded 97 and Synergy Supreme+ 99 ) is ethanol free (Except in Devon, Cornwall, North Wales, North England and Scotland).
  14. Maybe of interest to folk with fibreglass tanks, Esso do an ethanol free fuel, 99 octane, i think its called synergy 99 it is ethanol free in most parts of the uk, but not all so check your area
  15. Too true, now 70 and riding when i can hopefully
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