i must chime in here real quick and im going to p*** off a few people (not intentional)a few years ago the trals community used to raise enough funds to pay for most of the teams expences,with events like the eltrial de espana t shirt sales ect.well the last 2 eltrials i attended had poor turnout and a few of the top riders and teams did not bother to show up.the events and raffles were poorly run ie non riders winning a cases of oil and helmets-bikes ect. bitching and moaning ran rampet in the pits and people just not having fun like WE used to.add to that the fact that people are losing there jobs to india and other countrys, forecloseurs at an all time high and $3.50 gallon gas and you can understand why people just dont have the extra money to support the team.lane and his hollywood types might not be affected by all this but the reast of the real world is.now i love to go over to california and party with ringo and tfm but hell i just cant justify spending $600 to do so. just my 1 cent worth
OK ICE WE KNOW YOU are FULL OF SHUITE well all know ringo never actualy rides his bike .
my dennero is on blingo!!
try talking to jed bates at southwest Montesa,if anybody would know it would be him.he has a link on this site somewhere.
ringo,come on over to team shurf buddy,we are all a bunch of misfits and outlaws anyway and would welcome a guy with your credentials anytime. o yea and you can still ride your Montesa as we dont care what brand you like.
sendero,you going to lucern this weekend ? give me a call,some sum of a mbitch stole my cell phone last week and i lost your #btw i was told all the new 4 stroke montys coming into the u s are sold already.good luck getting one from your local dealer
ringo has finally found his real true love,his monty so johnny,are you going to ride the world round next week or are you just kidding us?it took big cohonnies to do what you did last week,but this might just be outright CRAZY man good luck and i hope you rememberd to send out that insurance payment this month.
steve,i may be wrong but i thought the 92 aprilla was the first crankcase induction trials bike?i had a 93 gas gas but i cant recall if it also was crankcase inducted
hey listen mullett,if you cant do the math let me do it for you, 24 sections x 5 =120. even a guy like you with a sixth grade edgumacation can figure that one out looks like moab in june looks good dude.we could invite ringo but just like last 4th of july he would be a no show
ringo,i read a post on the old TA board, with the title RINGO INJURED OVER THE WEEKEND,you remember the old ta board dont you? sorry to hear about A-- maybe you should go back to dating just guys again
fat?wadda you mean fat jackass?i will have you know that i now weigh less than your faat monty now ringo.BTW how the hell are ya?do you still have the same phone#?hows ange and the kids?are you still up in big bear?lane posted on another site that you got hurt a few weeks back,is this true,if so lets hear the b.s story about how it happend,this should be a good one whats the real story,did you and lane get into it while stealing that 10 year olds trophy?and did lane fall on you during the altercation?lets hear it man
i had to replace the intake boot on my kids txt70 as well.i also had a carb problem a few years ago.i took it off and cleaned it out but still had them same problems as stated above.well to make a loong story short i traced it back to senderos gas i was out of gas in my can so i barrowed some from good ole sendero.it took a while but i traced it back to the 2 stroke oil we use.sendero uses the natural stuff and i use synthetic.so i drained the tank and put fresh new gas in and the problem was solved.it may have been something else but who knows?
stu,go down to your local hardwarestore,if they have them in hong kong and buy the hard steel ones.quick fix for a few bucks.
alan,can i drive the wagon?please! please!
guys,try the 35 mm film trick,take a pice of film and slide it up and down the fork under the dust boot.works just about every time and is much cheaper than replacing seals.i have an 01 txt 280and have never even had a seal weep one bit.thats pretty good for riding in the arizona dust bowl all year.the best thing you can buy is the neophrean fork boots,at 29 bucks a pair it is well worth it.i have had them on my bike since day 1 and have had no problems with the fork seals at all.
you might want to contact d.silo,he has some trick Montesa parts.
cota or who ever you want to be called now,change is good!i almost switched from gas gas to beta a few months ago but could not come up with the extra $ due to being out of work for a few months due to illness.the monty is no doubt a great bike but is a little long in the tooth.it takes a lot of guts to admitt you have changed brands on this board too they must fear the rath of ringo for riding anything else but a Montesa and that is just too much pressure for a lot of people good luck with the sherco!
everybody looks slimmer next to a Montesa dude even a fat old guy like me
you lucky some of a bit@hes,all i got was the usual bag of socks a bag of undes and a shirt i will never wear :madsanta:
mark,this is what worked for me.a few years back i was getting bad arm pump,my buddys wife,a personal trainer,told me to cut out beer and soda for a few days before a trial(i know thats tuff )eat plenty of bananas on the days before and while riding the trial.also make sure your bars and levers are in the correct position as stated above.drink plenty of water or gatoraide as dehydration will add to your arm pump problems also.one more thing you might try is taking off the gloves,i still cant ride with them on or the armpump comes back to me.i guess i just hold on too tight when i wear them.good luck!
when is the indoor trials going to be?i think i can find ontario. :beard:
yea ringo,i can get a killer deal on an xr250.in fact,the crackhead-ah i mean parts dealer down the street said for an extra $50 he will throw in something called a sag sag or gas fast or whatever.BTW i made it home by 3:30am last night.i stoped at the local gin mill for a quick drink around 11 and well you know,time flies when your having fun.the old lady wasnt too pised.she asked me why i came home half drunk last night,i just told her because a ran out of money