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Everything posted by gasgas249uk
  1. Fat b those photos are brilliant. Thanks for posting them. Thats just what this thread needs. Loads of photos. Cheers I love Ragas face as he landed from that leap - looks terrified. Id have loved to see Jarvis on the Husaberg. What was going on with Bou in the last shot? Keep em coming
  2. Last weekend we had our home World Championship round. Trials is a fairly small sport but Tc is the largest English speaking trials website. Why is it that there just doesn't seem to be much interest in the whole event?. Where are the photos from the crowd?.Where's the reports of what they liked,saw and heard?. I dont get it. Is there no interest in the Wc? Why is this thread on our round so tiny? Im genuinely wondering if there is really much interest in the Wc anymore, period. What do you think?
  3. JAMSPORT in Farnham. Wherever im really stuck on an engine rebuild (usually getting crankshaft tapered gears off or a bugger of a tight nut) they help me out for nowt. I repay the favour with business as their prices are good
  4. Copemech , you obviously have a lot of knowledge on this matter , but a number of things things would worry me about sealed bearings. Firstly when the engine gets very hot , the seal has to be very efficient and keeping the lubricant in , for all of its life, showing no wear at all. I can just imaging the lube getting out and being burnt and the bearings running dry. I would have thought Samy would be far better off for long term reliability with open bearings . As long as the design as such, allows the mixture can come into contact with them , then the lubrication is there. Samy ,like copemech says the reliability of the bike is down to your own maintenance. Im sure you do this already , but just keep your fuel cans spotless internally and clean your air filter after each trial. But this is no more than we all have been doing for decades. I dont think you've got anything to worry about and are better off now.
  5. Im not sure if Pol is moving up Dabs. Ill let you know when i find out.Re the money - you might want to take a look at the Jotagas forum this morning.
  6. Your clearly very up to speed on this whole matter Martin as according to the web page it was only published yesterday , but i do know the news comes out from other channels as well. The article just highlighted to me Hondas quest for their brand winning everything despite the fact that they know the bikes dont sell well. Also ,it highlighted to me that Raga needs something extra.A change of company would do him good and with Raga's close connections with Tarres a ride on the Jotagas is a slight possibility. There is lots of money behind the firm and i would guess there have been discussions.Pol will be starting out on the adult sections this year and itll take him a while to get up to speed especially with his wrist/s.
  7. An interesting article on the top riders and who they might ride for next year. http://www.trialworld.es/blog/868-bou-cerca-de-renovar-con-montesa-las-claves-de-los-fichajes-2013.html Google translate it if it doesn't automatically translate to English
  8. Yep , water in the tyres was a good one i heard "could be used". Just let it out after the inspection. Its time the min weight rule was reduced to 60kg . Its out of date. The bikes are at the limit now and can get much lower, down to 61kg without sacrificing reliability.Ive been told and seen areas of the Jotagas where significant weight savings can be made to shed another 2kg at least . People want the best technology available and not 2nd best. Its progress , evolution. We dont eat raw meat anymore. The sensor regulating the whole issue within the new limit should be the manufacturers.They need slight pressure on them to improve the bikes , but not so much that the deepest pockets will win. That's why i think 60kgs is right. They will keep the price just affordable of they'll go bust .
  9. Dabster , brilliant question! The obvious answer is of course it will be.It will be an excellent round to really keep up to the minute with the results and watch the fight for the top spot
  10. I do hope Toni flies in to meet the fans. Hes the face that everyone wants to see, even if hes not able to ride. The trucks will be there for the other team members wont they?. I think Bous got another 3 to 4 left in him. Hes so young and noone is really looking as they might be biting his heels in a couple of years.
  11. I dont think there's a Japanese connection. The release says they were there training. The Yamaha team would have been training or testing at Motorland circuit within 300 yards of the factory. The World Superbike Championship is there this weekend. They'd all be bike crazy at Yamaha and ask to come come along for a look, is my guess.The circuit is a long way fromanywhere and its not as though you can pop anywhere for a coffee, as there is nothing there apart from this huge motorland play park for everything car , go cart and bike related. It would have been pre booked as Jordi lives 3 hours away and doesnt go in everyday as he does the development with others , based from his house , which has more garaging that most neighbourhoods. They could be made by Verlicchi, but i dont know.Theyre bloody nice frames .
  12. Yes 250, 280 and 300. Production is stepping up a good bit.
  13. The jotagas importer will not sell direct to the public. I emailed Steve to order mine and he asked me to go through a dealer , so i have. We had a good chat about the bike. A philosophy i have , is that the smaller company you deal with the better the experience.
  14. Trialsrfun, I did ask but they want to keep that to themselves. Ive got no idea where theyre made.
  15. Trialsrfun, Theres just one 2013 prototype . The original 2012 prototypes are different from one another. Two of them involve steel custom frames with the side shock set arranged on board, no doubt getting the set up right . The 3 rd is a standard alloy chassis with the headstock modified trying out different angles. The 4th prototype is made of clay and no doubt cost a thousands to make , but looks very similar to the finished product. These were all assembled bikes. Incidentally , my right boot didn't rub on the shock at all during my ride. There were many other chassis on a rack at the factory with modifications as well. There has clearly been lots and lots of development work undertaken to get it better than the competition. Jordi had some of these prototypes at his home where he has worked in the recent past with an ex Gas Gas engineer named Paco Roldain who designed the JTG engine as well. Paco is now the JTG factory workshop top man. Jordis goal is to win ,and nothing less will do. I will do a full write up soon. Everyone kindly let me take lots of photos , some of things I wouldn't EVER have dreamt of . Hope this helps
  16. I saw the new bike in the flesh today and its way sexier that the 2012 model. It has loads of modifications. Took one for a test ride for 15 minutes around the sections and fell in love. Soft power, superb build quality, quiet ,smooth, progressive engine ,no rattles at all.. I ragged the clutch to bits trying to get it to struggled it didn't.Suspension is very bouncy but firmer than last year. It's amazing to Mr that they got it so right so quick. The titanium pipe makes the the whole package more attractive pricewise. Jotagas UK website has the photos and the spec changes. My order went in 5 hours ago! I'm not connected to them in anyway, just an enthusiast for small companies.Having visited the factory ,seen the many prototypes,seen Jordis huge continuing input , seen the tig welders at work, met the engineers and ridden the bike, experienced the friendliness that only a small growing company offers... ive bought in. If you get the chance give one a ride. I'll upload my factory photos shortly
  17. http://translate.goo..._713928690.html http://translate.goo...9482313&act=url Have a read on the links above In summary Gas Gas and Ossa are partially merging the two companies If all goes well they could merge totally , but at present they are not talking about this In the circumstances it a good thing. The financial crisis is obviously causing huge problems in Espania. This agreement puts them both in a better position for the future. Its reported that Ossa were having money problems , but will become more financially secure having new grant and credit line open and reduced costs. Gas Gas will benefit from utilising its space better, shared development ,distribution and component costs. Its a good thing. Rather they work fight together than have problems. Long live Spanish motorcycles !
  18. 2 Nice videos Wayne. The bike looks great. Who was that riding? Looks like Colin Alsop , but shorter?
  19. Welcome back cursed. The wobbly start will soon settle down .
  20. What an interesting topic. My understanding of why a two stroke bike needs to be revved out from time to time is the following Its my understanding that Its all down to the oil that we dont burn off. 2 strokes generally duct fuel/air/oil mixture into and through the bottom end ,which circulates around the crank. The fuel mixtures heavier part is the oil and gravity pulls this from the cylinder walls down wards. Fuel air mixtures are traditionally set rich from the factory as this increases reliability and reduced heat and the associated seizures. This setting also increases the thick oily mixture that gathers in the bottom end. Thick oil/petrol mixture builds up in the crank case reducing the efficiency for the fuel circulation in the engine - hence the reason why a partially choked engine (as described above) wont rev cleanly untill cleared. There is only a tiny amount of clearance around the crank and 100ml of thick oily mixture will effect the crank turning. When you clean the bike out by revving it, the greater forces and suction created drag the oily excess mixture into the cylinder burning it , hence the smoke for a short while. Bearings,pistons and cylinders only needs the thinnest of coatings of oil. Often bikes are set up to give them a lot more causing the problem you describe. I dont know for sure , but im guessing the Ossa FI will be traditionally inducted via the crank. This allows mixture to lubricate the mains , crank and cylinder. Its just an effective way of circulating the mixture on time , every time. Inducting to the top end ,would require a separate bottom end lubrication system.
  21. Dabster, I heard this JTG information as well.Its hardly a surprise. Any new company would be daft not to apply for available grants from the authorities. There are grants to encourages businesses into certain regions, grants to encompass youth training, grants to encourage education.I also know that Jotagas have some very wealthy backers in addition to Tarres. About a year ago i heard that Ossa very nearly switched factory location based simply on the fact that a different region was offering them more subsidies / grants.My sources are from within the Spanish Trials industry and are reliable.Its almost common knowledge down there. Remember , we are well out of the loop up here in the UK and dont even speak the language , so we cant expect to know what is going on. A lot of this is on Google , you just have to search properly. Good luck to them.If its being offered , then why not. Id rather money goes to them than the money being wasted on the countless ways that it is these days.LOL
  22. Im not surprised it hasnt been snapped up quickly .It takes a certain obsessed Honda NUT to part with that sort of dosh , but as they say , it only takes one. The buyer will really be sticking his neck out on this one , but the heart sometimes rules the head. It makes every other trials bike seem dirt cheap
  23. The Mecatecno Dragonfly 1987 - no contest . Beautiful, radical , original , brave and performs. Good thread by the way
  24. Deon , Oversize pistons are available for nicosil bores. Its not unusual ,but hardly worth the faff.
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