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Everything posted by betatrials99
  1. We have just had our Montesa Cota 349 (1983 model i think) clutch off to replace all of the plates. However on fixing it back together I have found there is a lot of play. The cogs all line up however there is a 3 legged plate which sits onto the clutch itself, which when the clutch lever is pulled, should be pressed into and therefore make the clutch work. But this 3 legged thing presses up against the nut which holds the clutch on rather than the clutch plates and when everything is fixed together the lever doesnt disconnect it. Its as if the clutch should be sat further out (yet it meets the cogs at the back correctly) I have had it apart a few times now and everything looks ok. Any ideas?? Sorry if this sounds strange but it is difficult to explain. Thankyou.
  2. 20??? I would have said a 250 would be about 11 or 12?? Dyno run needed!
  3. Sooo if it was bike and rider combined there would be problems. A really light person may not be able to manage a bike that is so heavy on some of the tricky obstacles???!!!
  4. I used to have a 99 techno. I recommend it. It did me well (until some one broke into our garage and stole it, if you happen to see one with an asterisk * above the right footpeg, please do let me know as it's mine!!!!! Cheers.) I would still have it now. I was in the same situation as you wopndering whether to get a mont or a beta of the same years. I test rode a mates 99 mont and didnt really like it. The techno has a much better riding position in my opinion and a lot more go about it. You maybe ought to check if the stator has been replaced in the past aswell as Beta's are well known for that....electrics on technos....not that good. But if its stator has been replaced once or fixed you should be fine. But still definately Beta. Im sure Monts have their own problems.
  5. wheres the pickering trials tommora and what time does it start???? Cheers
  6. Very cold at Cogden today. Wonderfully warm in the van!!! Beats a car and trailer any day. OOOOHHHHHH and we didnt get stuck on the way out unlike most people + managed to get a nice pint at the Black Bull afterwards
  7. Does anyone have the dates for all of the Pickering easy trials this year? If so please could you post them below. cheers
  8. Just wanting to remind everyone of our two Betas stolen last August from York. Beta Rev 3 2002 - exhaust badly dented and pushed against the frame on the front right hand side Beta Techno 1999 - distinctive asterisk on right hand side above foot peg Cheers guys, keep on the look out James
  9. oooo yea my mistake - petrol! damn it.
  10. Are you sure you have the seals tapped down far enough and the clip firmly seated in place right the way around the inside of the fork leg? A custom made tool may help.
  11. One thing that might be worth trying or looking at is the floats. If somehow they have developed a small crack at the join or something a little bit of petrol may have got into them (yet seemingly unoticable) causing them not too rise to where they should and therefore the overflow pipe will p*** water out. (have seen it once in a bike - very rare) If that is the case tho keep them in a dry place and try to squeeze it out. When its all owt just super glue the seam, leave it too dry and fit it again. Or just buy new floats.
  12. No worries have found out. Fremington Edge.
  13. Where abouts is the RMC boxing day Albert Shaw trial this morning?? Thanks James
  14. Here are pictures of the stolen bikes.
  15. In the past 24hrs a Beta techno 1999 model (250cc) and a Beta Rev 3 2002 model (270cc) bikes have been stolen. Along with these is a blue push bike. If you have any information relating to either of these please email betatrials99@hotmail.co.uk Distinctive markings include.....Beta Techno above right foot peg is an engraved asterisk and the Beta Rev 3 has a dent in the front right hand side of the exhaust. Thanks a lot. Please inform any dealers or breakers you think appropriate.
  16. James Hey we have a montesa cota 349 and have had it a few years. Just out of curiosity how much are they worth at the moment? Sandifords have always supplied us with all the parts we have needed for ours. James Attached is a picture of ours
  17. nope because on one side it had not worn so i could not tell but it had been wearing unevenly and now snapped..I shall check again but im pretty sure it is the bit that is fixed to the centre of the swing arm..it is Techno 99 by the way. Thanks
  18. Any idea who to contact that will have them then? Thanks
  19. I have a problem. Today i was riding my Beta techno and i went over a log and heard a bang and my mudguard dropped and hit my wheel. At first i thought it was one simple bolt that had snapped as it had done this before but on closer inspection part of the weird linkage which is connected to the swing arm had been wearing away on one side and my landing after the log had sheared this bit of the swingarm off. So there was 2 small holes where a weird looking bolt of some kind goes and this is as part of the centre of the front of the swing arm. Unfortunately the swing arm is all one bit and welded together so it is looking like a new swing arm. Has anyone had this problem or know how much it would cost? I shall try and ring Lampkins tomorrow. Thanks, James
  20. ok ok u have come off fairly ok...my Techno today...over a log...BANG! I thought one bolt had snapped as my mudguard fell onto my wheel but on closer inspection I think i need a new swing arm...a certain part of that linkage area has broken and part of the swing arms space for a bolt has broken off....what do I do!??!!
  21. Watch your bash plate carefully as they tend to be under a lot of stress and may ping out violently and be very hard to get back in place. I recommend using a trolley jack to force the bash plate back into position.
  22. SECTION 59, RICHIES REVENGER. I HAVE PHOTOS OF NUMBERS 144 148 149 160 162 168 169 186 189 198 51 61 63 70 85 89 96 If anyone wants any of these let me know and ill email u them.
  23. Thanks a lot but mirrors and indicators will be a rite faff
  24. I heard someone saying that at 17 you are able to ride a 250 trials bike on the road because of the horsepower!!!! Has anyone else heard this??? Is it true???
  25. Any way you can tune up a techno to run at its best?
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