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Everything posted by miny
  1. Cardio as trials can be an endurance sport. As you get tired your concentration and skills can suffer. Bike and as above rowing as it works the upper half. Weights to build all round strength. My gym has a machine that is like cycling with the arms good for the upper half. I'm going to add some plyometrics....so I can kick the bike over better and strength training to pick it up again
  2. Anyone know the thickness of the standard steel clutch plates in a 2015 125 txt pro racing please?
  3. miny

    Heavy clutch

    What's DP for the ignorant please? And thanks very much for the advice
  4. miny

    Heavy clutch

    I have a 2015 TXT PRO 125 and feel the clutch is a bit heavy. Is there a remedy for this? I have seen the video on youtube of the 2009 model having the clutch plates thinned, is this the answer for the 2015 model also?
  5. miny

    2017 gas gas

    I thought it was just me that had a problem starting my 125 pro. I'm short too. Do you think other bikes are easier to start? Not had much experience of other bikes.
  6. miny

    TXT PRO swingingarm

    Are these the ones on the inside of the swingarm as I have them?
  7. I am trying to put back together my swingingarm after changing the bushes (I didn't take it to bits) but there seems to be a gap on the left hand side between the frame and the swingingarm of about 1/2". According to the book there is a part (swingarm axle busher) that goes on the left hand side but I think this is the nylon bush that's in the frame where the swingingarm bolt goes through. I did ask the person who took it to bits but he can't remember what was there. I don't think that there would be a gap, I'm sure there must be a spacer there. Can't find any good pictures to show this. Anybody shed any light on this for me?
  8. Your correct, they are actually not bearings at all, they are sleeves
  9. Do the same bearings fit all txt pro's swingingarm? The reason I ask is that I bought these ebay and I don't think they actually fit, although I'm no mechanic. I found on another site selling swingingarm bearings that they were selling them up to and including 2003, which makes me think they changed after 2003 and that the bearings supplied are the wrong ones. I have fitted the rest of the bearings BTW. I have a 2003 TXT.
  10. miny

    Ladies boots

    Is there such a thing or would I have to get kids boots size 3/4
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