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Posts posted by monsterenergy74
  1. Little boy got brand new oset 12.5 for xmas and has prob only used for 2-3 hrs max (bloody english weather), its only been used on complete flat ground and never been dropped, the problem I have noticed is the mudguard and center rear wheel arent lined up? The chain and wheel all run true but it seems the left hand side swingarm is a mm lower than the right side so when you stand back and eye the line the wheel looks like it slightly tilts to the left(lower side). I took whole back assembly of and greased and loosened the swingarm pivot and whilst back wheel was off i placed a spirit level across width swingarm and right side is slightly higher, i then loosened the 4 nut/bolts that hold the motor to swingarm and managed with some pressure to get the spirit level accurate but soon as i tighten it puts it back out of level.

    Has any one else noticed this on their oset or am i being paranoid as i dont want damage it.

    Cheers in advance

  2. As said in previous post just got little boy brand new 12.5, came in box and just had to attatch handlebars and adjust brakes, the question I have is the chain seems quite tight as the bike doesnt free wheel without some resistance from the chain, its not been used yet as its for xmas its just sat in bedroom, just seems strange when i push it to move it forwards or backwards almost feels bit knotchy.

    is this normal when new?

  3. As above, got my little boy a PW50 for his 4th B'day, loved it at first but after crashing numerous times due to stabilisers he was then too scared to ride it and didnt like the noise, sold that few months back and made few bob on it and took him to Goss Mx to try an OSET 12.5 out and he loved it, no noise, easy to put in car, no petrol and you can use it anywhere without annoying someone. Its for xmas but at the moment its taking pride of place next to his bed in his bedroom all made up, fingers crossed xmas day will be a dry one..

  4. Newbie here, just joined forum.

    Just purchased brand new OSET 12.5 for my little 4yr old boy for christmas, he did have PW50 last year with stabilisers but had so many crashes due to the stabiolisers he ended up too scared to ride it so ended up selling it. He had a quick try out on oset 12.5 and loved it so used the money from the pw and some extra for xmas and purchased a new one.

    He has all the clothing and boots from when he had pw but would like to purchase a childs trials helmet as the one he has is an mx full face helmet, does anyone in south west area sell them as i would rather him try it on than guess and buy one from the internet.

    Many thanks...

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