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Everything posted by 7
  1. how many sherco bikes do you see at trials
  2. stick with the 250,you need 10 t front sprocket 42 rear,slow action throttle, fly wheele weight,head spacer,and long front exhaust pipe
  3. why change from a 250 to 125 ?
  4. 7


    go for 250 gas gas,great clubman bike
  5. 7

    Gear Oil

    your water pump seal has gone,must be changed soon as pos
  6. 7

    2010 radiator

    look for one on ebay,2002 - 2011 will fit as long as its off a txt pro,i have a 2010 gas gas and fitted 03 rad witch are much stronger
  7. this is top of thr range kit from gas gas
  8. 7

    Bash Plate

    no it does not fit,you need a bash plate from 2002 to 2010,it has to be off a txt pro
  9. 7

    hi jordz welcome to trials central

  10. 7

    txt pro

    when bike gets to temp fan kicks in if you let it tick over there is very littlefan noise thanks for your input,going to keep useing it see if any thing happnes
  11. 7

    txt pro

    when you say generator coil is this on the stator plate,this is a 2010 bike,had 11 txt pros and never had this happen do you think i should have the stator plate checked
  12. 7

    txt pro

    hi,not a problem still does its job fine,did a trial yesterday,just find it strange
  13. 7

    txt pro

    problem with cooling fan,when the fan comes on and you rev the bike the fan gets faster and sounds louder than norm changed fan and fan rectifier problem still there,
  14. 7

    Hard starting 4rt

    if you power wash it,you will have water / damp in the wireing plug socket,i think its under the rear mudguard/seat
  15. check out kick start gears you might have chiped one this makes a nasty noise
  16. could be the little end bearing,cheap fix,to get the nuts off the barrel use opended spanner 75ml two stroke is spot on,any more and it wont rev out clean,i use ipon fully synthetic at 50ml with no probs
  17. help with 125cc sherco,wanting more power

    1. lumpylion


      S3 High High compression head, Keihin carb, reeds, S3 Ti pipe.

    2. shercofray


      Hi, theres lots you can do with them, you can lighten the flywheel, put an inlet spacer in, edit the slide, jetting, change the gearing, pm me if you want more details in these,


    3. paxdad


      I added the S3 Head and High comp insert and am quite happy with result. 50 tooth rear sprocket helps as well.

  18. hi all,how much fork oil goes in each leg on a gas gas pro 2009
  19. buy a head spacer from gas gas about 14-95,and go for 10t front,42t rear, slow action throttle (black)
  20. hi all what is the best way to fit a new chain tensioner and spring to a gas gas pro 2009,finding it hard to get it on
  21. 7

    Clutch adjustment

    hi,what gear box oil are you using,
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