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  1. I have a high fitting rack, used with a twinshock. My technique is front wheel in first then I lift back wheel using the inside swing arm and my thigh to give extra lift. The bike falls to the outside and once rear wheel is in the slot push vertical. Hopefully this is clear.
  2. Interesting information on the piston. It does however seem a lot of work. Does anyone else have suggestions to other pistons that may be fitted.
  3. I recall in trial weight measurements in Belgium a few years ago.
  4. Check Cambs Trial Cetre website for details
  5. New shock is the best way to go with a spring for your weight. Rockshock, Falcon, Ohlins, and others do a version
  6. There was some sort of bum rest contraption that stuck to the rear mudguard, it was used in the Scottish as I recall
  7. Dibs to enduro? I would say Graham Jarvis is a very good role model on how you can extend your career.
  8. Sam has a facebook page maybe you can contact him direct.
  9. Is there a linkage or is the shock mounted directly to the frame and swingarm?
  10. An exhaust shield from a gasser can also help
  11. I prefer to install heat protection on exhaust which makes it more comfortable ever ride.
  12. How do you remove the aluminium mount from the shaft?
  13. mattylad

    VF mudguards

    They are like rocking horse stuff to find. Try some old dealers near you you will be suprised what is lurking. I got a new pair on the bay for my works DMW.
  14. I wonder how much the doping ban affected the change?
  15. No I was refering to the sanction not being applied earlier
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