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Everything posted by axulsuv
  1. Worn ball on actuator rod , too long of a extension on actuator arm , worn actuator pivot in case , stretchy cable , non domino levers ...And there are a few more , aka gear oil , Silkoline light or redline is all I've ever got great performance out of in the fantics .Both work great , but after seeing some of redlines attributes after use and dis assembly , I'm kinda fond of that slippery stuff. Trust me , if and when Bob ever gets inside the section , he'll hate it , can't get the redline green slime off anything . solvent tank or not ... Seriously slippery/ adhering stuff . My 240 had a drastic change in low speed shiftability after a hour or two of riding / use ... But silkolene made a drastic difference when I first started using that too . after working all the ATF out of my bike . Glenn
  2. My scanner/printer is MIA. at the moment , or I'd send you the pages out of the shop/owners manual ... But if all else fails just reference the old bolt markings and duplicate . there are match marks on all the movable pieces Glenn.
  3. I'll look in my boxes of fantic parts , and if I find one I'll let you know . But I'm not taking one out of the several complete motors I've got ! I'm a Fantic hoarder !!!! But if I were you ,I'd break out a magnet and take my time and search . "cause if my memory serves me at all , I think the key for the fantics is kinda unique !... Glenn
  4. Sounds like your ign. is dying ! Are you still running the OE. tin can coil for starters ? Could be coincidence with the wash job ... Plenty of posts on Fantic ign. ,woes , search and you will see . Glenn
  5. Stu; Mine is 10/42... But I use 2nd/3rd for most everything . (except Bob's turn up your own a*** stuff...) But I have been known to shift in a section at times too. The 300 swap starts this weekend ... (I hope , photo's should follow ...) Glenn
  6. I'd have to say a clean , used Beta 200 ... Get started as cheap as you can to see if your gonna love it or not ! Trials is 90% rider , 10% bike ... You decide how far you want to with it before settling on a serious bike purchase ... Only been at it about 40 years now , and if I was gonna get a new bike it would have to be a Mont , and I'd get another 20 out of it .! Glenn
  7. 240's are 26x1.5 , 300's and newer use the 32x1.25
  8. A Mantra to live by !
  9. Wow !!! What a turnout ! And all , modern and ancient had fun ! Glenn
  10. Hey Stu ! (the new ITSA V.P. !!!) , I adjusted the clutch actuator rod on the old 240 , and alas it's got a bit more freeplay , but has become a toggle switch....Time to put the 300 motor in her and weld up a couple of expansion chamber mounts and build a cool airbox . For some unknown reason the 300 motor will bolt right into my frame ? I tried it and except for modding the exhaust mounts to take the 300 chamber , no frame issues on mine...gonna use the same OKO and play with jetting if needed .I may go thru the 300 motor after it propels the bike , the mains and seals etc. have sat quite awhile without any exercise !!!! And I've got to trick up Tylers tlr some too, But I do love watching him make crap suspension work !!!! (he has yet to know better ! (mean dad syndrome !! ) I can't wait to see you folks again , and I'm looking at property's in the Dickson area , I need to downsize and find a place to retire . (sorta) Glenn ITSA ROCKS !!!!!!!! And BIFF ; if I could I would !!!! 1
  11. Look at this topic , I posted this recently....http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/55816-300-no-spark/ Good luck Glenn
  12. Some hard core practice there !!! And I don't think anybody else would/could do your stunts ! Glenn
  13. Showing some great skills there ! Old government street signs ... Contractors overspending our tax dollars ... Decades ago I built a 2wd toyota pickup for desert use ,(long before "pre-runners" were cool ) And one evening out in the desert in the coachella valley we came across a big old Desert stop sign on a bent pole ...(6 foot octagon type ) and I thought HHMMMNNN.... skid plate ! It was 1/4 inch thick with 6061 painted in bands across the backside ... With the help of a large hydraulic sheet metal brake and some tall jackstands under a hoist , I ended up with a skid plate that went from the bottom leading edge of the frame back to the tailshaft and was bowed down on the sides a bit so the lower control arms just cleared it when topped out ...worked a treat ! Glenn (and I never did get all of the red & white STOP off the metal , but it was on the topside so you never saw it unless you looked under the hood past the engine ) OOPPS ! just re read this ! 1/8 thick not 1/4 !!!!
  14. As most of the faithful know , I've been tweeking a clapped out reflex for my son ... After the carb/air cleaner mods to get it to run like a trials bike should, and the all over tlc for it's resurrection, Bob @ B&J Racing in TN. Turned me on to this peg kit he does for the TLR/Reflex ... WHAT a Difference peg position makes on this old wanna be trials bike !!!! It makes the bike bigger , more controllable and just a bunch more fun to ride ....!!!! Here's a couple shots of the kit . Glenn
  15. I've been using VXB for years , For all sorts of projects . If you have accurate dimensions , you can find just about any type of bearing there is , and the prices are quite fair too ... Glenn
  16. WWEELLL ..... Great weekend ... Exhausted from the drive etc.... My son Tyler got some one on one instruction and fun time from up and coming pro rider Dean Buchard (sp?), the son of gentleman I've never physically met , long time STRA member Alan B...., but when I had bought the 240's way back when , told me to contact B&J for help , parts and info . And you should see his son RIDE !!!! OMG! doesn't even come close .... And Dustin jumped on the Section , first time ever even touching it running , and grins and hops around in a circle for a minute and jumps off it with a smie and says SWEET(I think) and proceeds to get sign up rolling ....I rode novice sat. with my son and he beat me by a point !!!! But I'm pretty sure I cleaned his clock Sunday ...( I need to ride ALOT more , muscle memory ain't what it used to be ...) I got to ride a 300/301 just so I could feel what the 300 motor feels like, love the smooth torque of the 300 motor had another 240 owner ride mine and got the ?huh? look , aka that's a slow throttle ???? (yeah, works motor with a OKO...) I think I'll love the 300 motor in my chassis , may help my riding style versus the snarly mx type hit of my 240.Smooth on her is a effort ...And Doug why didn't you take her out for some abuse @ TTC ??? Steve give Bob a call , He's getting a passion for Fantics again ... Glenn And Zelda the trials puppy had fun too... She's still asleep ! But I say Monster (Dustins buddy/dog...) and her eyes light up .... 4 years old and she's got a boyfriend.... What's a dad to do ????? ITSA RULES !!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Loading up to head to the ranch in Dickson TN. for a long needed weekend with my buds , and some quality? time with my son .... And then the motor swap begins on the trusty 240 ... Glenn
  18. A Bunch of guys at the ITSA event I went to at TTC were trying the up & over gear out for their first time , They all liked the fit and quality . I'll be ordering some asap ... Glenn .
  19. We all have to admit that raga , caby and Bou have more talent in their little finger than most of us will ever achieve.... And if I had a 10th of it , I'd win more !!!!! Glenn
  20. Welcome Back !!!! I don't know $hit about your bike questions , but I bought a couple of basket case Fantics a few years ago after a 30+ year hiatus from the sport ,(had never even heard of a Fantic before !!!) And have never looked back . Ride the bike and have fun , us old guys will keep the sport alive for ever .... The info is out here , ride the bike ... Glenn
  21. I've got a serious engineer type buddy (head of eng. @ hendrick motorsports....) that swears beta's are the bomb ... Glenn
  22. Leave the adjuster screw about a 1/8th of a turn out from being bottomed lightly , then tighten locknut while holding adjuster still .
  23. Supply and Demand .... one of the black arts that must be mastered !!!!
  24. hhmmnnn.... Doesn't BMW make a 1000cc , 160hp. , Adventure bike (dual sport) ?
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