Good looking bike , But I'd try adjusting the preload up a bit and then play with the dampening screw before I spent for a new shock , especially if the shock functions correctly !
Grib ,
Your's look to be positioned just like mine , See great minds think alike !!!!
Congratulations Lee ! Now your making me feel old , my beautiful daughter just graduated college last weekend
I'm following in your footsteps , putting a VERY low hrs. 84 300 into my trusty 240 . I want to save the engine that is in her now,and tear it down to confirm a suspicion I have as to the origins of my unique 240 , I need to measure the bore and stroke in it ( I've had it apart to clean ,but never had the need to measure it ...) as it may be one of Jaime Subira 's alleged 300 prototype bikes ... Would explain why mine runs the way it does And if it is , well then we just save that motor ....
Great to hear from you !
Cheers ,
And it looks like the whole old fantic clan is back again !
Thanks for the message Doug , But I hate to say I don't Facebook ! I've got enough other things to do and keep my contacts straight ....See if you can get lee to contact me , or I'll look and see if I still have his mail address , he should have mine ?
D2 ... Have you ever driven a Lancia Statos ??? I've restored/refurbished 2 of them And to the best of my knowledge it was never meant to be a mass produced / consumed vehicle ... More like a build and sell enough of them to meet the homligation (sp?) regs of the time... I beleive they built about 490 of them ? And Porsche out financed them @ the time ... But the lancia's won the rally championship for 3 or 4 years in a row anyways ... PURPOSE BUILT VEHICLE !!!
AKA no bearing on the trials market at all ... The TL125 is your escort , all the rest are thoroughbreds !!!!
Go have a pint with Nigel and have a nice day ....
I know the center cases on a 300 are different than a 240 , and some of the outer cases can be swapped about .
But I have a ? I should know the answer to but I don't. On the 300 motor do you have to split the cases to do main seals like a 240 , or can they be done like the later motors in situ ... ? I just want to freshen it up before the build starts , it's been dormant for quite a while
And what happened to my mentor Lee Harris ?????
Welcome to the fold
Where are you located ?
I just meant that it may help trials get back to it's roots ... , Back in the day , a world champion capable rider wouldn't think of NOT riding the SSDT!
It is how motorcycle competition started . 1 man & 1 machine vs. the terrain and conditions with what you can carry . Enduro's , MX etc. all evolved out of trials and the public doesn't know about it . Why ? 'cause it's HARD ! You have to be fairly smart to succeed . Trials has always been the thinking man's sport because we challenge ourselves first . It's not about knuckle dragging , twist the throttle , point and hang on , and beat the other guy into the first turn at all cost . It's all about the skill & control of the machine and rider as a unit . Most folks that see trials for the first time say" wow cool , that looks easy " . Then they try it ... And maybe about 1% of people that try it these days stick with it seriously . Because for most there is no instant self gratification . The few that challenge themselves and stick with it , that battle thru the frustration of learning trials physics , get to enjoy the heartwarming self satisfaction of cleaning a section ! And knowing how and why they did !
Is there any other motorsport where you can stand and discuss a line ,(mossy spot , rock , ledge , log , camber , turn ) with your direct competition ?
And then give each other pointers only to see who traverses that few yards of earth the best ? And when you get beat , you know it's because they just plain and simple did it better ... Then you cross paths a few sections later , repeat , and you come out clean ... and they say good ride ! with a smile like you did @ the previous section !
We ride trials for ourselves , no one else .
OK ... Rant over ! But thats why I love trials
Maybe make it compulsory that to compete for the top spots , you have to ride the SSDT too , and your placing there gets added in ... (and by yourself , like everyone else , no factory mechanics etc...)
The sizes are here .... http://fantic240pro.pagesperso-orange.fr/ukindex.htm
I think the 125 had a bigger hub and rim , Not sure though .
I got my fork seals from Bill Pye , a several years ago now , I remember something weird with the forks , but not what it was ...
Contact Bill , He'll sort you out .
And I need 35mm for my FANTICS !!! AKA STOCK !!!!
Have some fun !!! And learn the bike before it learns you !!!
I love new bikes
As you can see from this shot , my pegs have been working fine for a while now , Still love the ghost pegs ... Good grip , stay clean , and don't shred my boots !!!!
I grew up in New England , and up until I was moved to SoCal in 71 or so , all I ever knew was 1,2,3,5 ... But we always mimicked what the rest of the world did ...
And what happened to monty python ???? Them and Benny Hill were staples of my youth !!!!
This is how I did mine ... Man my bike looks different now !
Keep the Faith , it'll make you giggle when it's right ... They are FUN little bikes .
I was gonna say the same as above ... But a well tuned piston port (exhaust mods included )has shown little or no benefit in my limited experience
AKA been there done that ... Correct jetting and intake length are more important to response and power ...
Nice work Jay , His smile says it all . , Did Marty get the highlander ? Better yet , did he enjoy his first time out on the bike ?
Check that your exhaust is clear and free flowing . I had a missing rubber blow gun tip give me fits on my fm330 . It ran just as you describe till I took the silencer off and found my missing blow gun tip lodged neatly in the pipe.... I felt stupid and relief all at once !
Isn't O'le TT above talking exhaust scavenging and not intake ? From experience I know that anti reversion Headers on a multi cylinder 4 stroke can be used to completely change the torque curve , But I remember some of the 2t exhaust back in the day were kinda weird . But if it worked , wouldn't it still be being played with ?
Welcome ; and we need a photo or two of this .... Magnat Debon 350 cc (1935) AKA what the heck is that ???