All this Hodie stuff is cool ; but here's a real sexy trials bike ....(if your into older Italian redheads )
Wow , Just WOW ! He even crashes cleaner than anybody else !! A legend in our lifetime .
Hi Dave ;
Contact B&J racing in Dickson tenn. They know a wee bit about TY's and can hook you up with ITSA events ... Great folks and great rides !!!!
I'll stick with my Belstaff , One of them is going on 40 yrs old and the other around 8 ... The old one is better ......
And then strip it and put it in the new frame you've got .....
FIRST THING !!!! , Get the tank off it and check for cracks in the head stock area ! looks a bit relaxed ... And then measure from the front axle to the swingarm pivot and let me know where it is ....
I had a FM 330 50cc full size , And it only let me know what it was in 3rd gear and above ... Other than that like riding a bicycle , with power assist . It was a blast to ride .
PM Steve Fracy , He'll know for sure ....
Would Honda let him risk getting hurt at speed ? Or are they gonna use him to promote a new bike ?
That ain't no Fantic !!!!
Wait... Damn !!! I thought my Fantic was as high tech as it got !!! (in my world )
Over here Riding ITSA event's you best be on your game ,Especially if your out at the Ginder Place in Tennessee , Bob Ginder , (club founder and pres. ) is a die hard trials rider from the twinshock era , And I've seen his expert sections Shame Modern pro caliber riders .! But he also lays perfect class appropriate Sections with help from his crew , And you should see what his son , Dustin can do on old abused reflex ... , never mind a modern bike .
Glenn , And I need to go riding !!!!!!!!!!
And we need to know where you are for more suggestions ....
My Airoh TRR is the most comfortable helmet I've ever owned ... And that makes a big difference when your riding trials for hours ...And the light weight adds to that comfort .
Why Change a Trick Downhill Sprocket ???
get a good vintage bike and learn what Trials is about for starters , and then if you feel you've got the Talent and enjoy the Fun & feel of the events , Then invest in modern Hopper , But with the right vintage bike , (fantic , honda , etc.) you should be able to break even for the experience .... maybe . Or just go to some events and get a feel of what it's all about , and maybe try a scoot or two ...It is a different sport/competition ....
Wal mart still sells Lydia Pinkham's stuff ... So it got to be some great marketing , Right ? only been around 100 years or so .... Someone is making $$$ On the same things a proper diet will do ...
Wish I'd of been there ...
If my memory works , Tight coils to the top ... But I don't think it makes much difference . I seem to remember some action and reaction thing I learned somewhere ...
Looks like it was a great day out on the bikes !
I just looked at my kids reflex . The tiny tab is there ... But I've got no idea what purpose it serves !!!
Tomato Tamato .... A little better than nothing ....
Now that is CLASSIC trials ! True pre 65 ...