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Posts posted by bondy
  1. hi  my TR77 has the flanged front sprocket and a flat rear 42T am not sure if the front sprocket has a spacer I will have to check but the problem I had with the chain was for some reason jumping has the split link was running over the front sprocket so I turned it on the inside so the split link is on the inside. it runs ok like this but may be. The 11T would. Be. Better question can you get the tab washer on the 11T Orr dose it not have 1

  2. no no no dont skim anythhing off the stem you have  to warm the bearing up to  expand  so it slides over the raised part at  thhe top off the stem an the bottom this is  to hold the bbearing tight. its only the top alloy screw that sits abit hight if your skimmiing anything it should be the top bearing face to allow the Alloy screw tto sit flush. You can dunk the bearing in a bucket off hot water for 10 mints or do what I do warm up with a hot. Air gun for few mints then it will. Slid over easy.

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  3. hit it with  a big  hammer  that  normaly splits the Engine Ah only joking I just undo alloy the half crank case nuts and the small Allen bolt hat the front Engine mount I just use a hot Air gun to heat all around the centre crank with a hide hammer gently tape the crank shaft then it should come apart ii just rest the Engine on too blocks off Wood. obviously make sure all nuts or off and front sprocket ignition flywheel all the clutch needs to come off crank seal holders.

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  4. i ordered 1 off  those ovel shaped number plates didnt really have any problem finding 1 am sure sammy miller dose them may be try there. to the R/H Alloy  foot brake pedle they are  hard to find now may be some 1 as a spare on hear i like the new 1  that inmotion have i was thinking  off getting 1 for my next  build not original but near enough for me.post-12321-0-15175500-1473929622_thumb.jpg



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  5. hello scot thanks for the photo since posting my quetion i have done the lock wire mine has the post but there is  hole just above the ring in the finn so ive locked wired it to that. a freind uses a strong spring but you have to drill a  small  hole  in the Engine mount to hook it on but didnt want to drill any holes but it is a good idea ill see how i get on with it.

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  6. hi Woody is corrrect iv'e just rebuilt part off my TR77 and i lost  the push rod bearing put a magnetic tin possi down nothing umm i thought then i spoted it down the lip off the seal Woody has pointed out it just pops out.

  7. hi scot yes my 199A has this mod the ignition case is where the needel roller bearing is its been  bored  out and a grease nippel has been fittted to gether with barrnet clutch plates  and a longer clutch Arm and good clutch set up its V/ light.






  8. yes it is a clean Engine same as my 340 thats been rebuilt i did have the 1 in the photo vapor blasted then i had to polish the cases myself turned out nice. i have the earlyer 198 ignition case on this 198A it will be red and silver ith the Alloy bash plate the frame is also a 198A i have put the bigger Airbox on it.

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